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TikTok Online Celebrity Live Hot Crayon Small New cos Toy Handmade Doll DIY Model Ornaments Doll Gashapon Machine

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = د.إ 0.5221
Minimum Order Quantity
د.إ 7.31 - د.إ 24.02
¥14 - ¥46
≥3 Sleeve
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 113k
Single penguin xiaoxin boxed price of one box weighs 0.134kg
The price of a set of 6 types of butt xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.435kg
The price of a set of 6 sweatshirts in a bag weighs 0.544kg
The price of a set of 3 generations of 6 vegetable xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.35kg
The price of a set of 6 japanese gourmet xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.505kg
Single large hamburger xiaoxin + color box, single price, weight 0.356kg
The price of a set of 6 new fruit bags weighs 0.304kg
The price of a set of 12 zodiac small new bags weighs 0.538kg
The price of a new generation of 6 new bags weighs 0.265kg
The price of a set of 2 generations of 6 new small new bags weighs 0.273kg
The price of a set of 2 generations of 5 raincoats in small new bags weighs 0.387kg
The price of a set of 3 generations of 5 raincoats in small new bags weighs 0.42kg
The price of a set of 6 ingredients in small new bags weighs 0.26kg
The price of a set of 2 small new bags weighs 0.16kg
The price of a set of 2 Generation 4 small new bags weighs 0.19kg
The price of a set of 5 generations of 6 new animal bags weighs 0.227kg
The price of a set of 3 generations of 6 new animal bags weighs 0.423kg
The price of a set of 4 generations of 6 small new bags weighs 0.403kg
See sku, spot style
د.إ 7.31
1509 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Sleeve

Product Details

See sku for details, in stock style
See sku for details
Item number:
Crayon shin-chan
Applicable age:
Children (4-6 years old)
Single penguin xiaoxin boxed price of one box weighs 0.134kg,The price of a set of 6 types of butt xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.435kg,The price of a set of 6 sweatshirts in a bag weighs 0.544kg,The price of a set of 3 generations of 6 vegetable xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.35kg,The price of a set of 6 japanese gourmet xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.505kg,Single large hamburger xiaoxin + color box, single price, weight 0.356kg,The price of a set of 1st generation of 6 types of fruit xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.304kg,The price of a set of 12 zodiac sign xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.538kg,The price of a set of 1st generation of 6 new innovative xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.265kg,The price of a set of 2 generations of 6 new innovative xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.273kg,The price of a set of 2 generations of 5 types of raincoats in a bag weighs 0.387kg,The price of a set of 3 generations of 5 types of raincoats in a bag weighs 0.42kg,The price of a set of 6 ingredients is grids in a bag and weighs 0.26kg,The price of a set of 2 xiaoxin bags weighs 0.16kg,The price of a set of 2 generations of 4 types of xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.19kg,The price of a set of 5 generations of 6 animal gadgets in a bag weighs 0.227kg,The price of a set of 3 generations of 6 animal gadgets in a bag weighs 0.423kg,The price of a set of 4 generations of 6 xiaoxin in a bag weighs 0.403kg
Is it for foreign trade?:
Import place:
Packaging method:
Is there a shopping guide video?:
Whether the styling is cartoony or anime?:
Styling category:
Is it multifunctional?:
Cartoon, animation types:
Crayon shin-chan
Patent number or copyright registration certificate number:
Patents and copyright:
Utility model
Patents and copyright application time:
Is it exclusively for foreign trade?:
Yes (this product is for foreign trade purposes only and may not comply with domestic product standardsDomestic buyers please purchase with caution)
Is it a special supply source for cross-border export?:

Discover Toy Handmade Doll Live Hot Crayon Hot Crayon Small Shoes - Live Hot Crayon

Discover Toy Handmade Doll Shoes

Stylish and Comfortable Toy Handmade Doll

Perfect for Toy Handmade Doll Look

【本店所售产品均为裸价,如需开具发票,请联系客服详谈 】


【类    型】:日漫

【类    别】:手办,公仔

【规    格】:具体看sku

【重    量】:具体看sku

【材    质】:pvc


【用    途】:玩具摆件,玩具收藏,车载公仔,微景观摆件,蛋糕装饰

【备    注】:1.公仔玩具难免会有小瑕疵小划痕喷油不均的地方,塑料材质也会有少许的气味,由于拍摄技术/环境光线/显示器色差等原因,可能导致图片与实物有略有色差,请最终请以实物的颜色为准!

