tens of thousands of stocks of aircraft box carton carton
Aircraft Box Rectangular Width 18cm Extra Hard Packaging Carton Cup Pen Holder Packaging Box Logistics Express Packaging Box
Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = د.إ 0.5252
Other Currencies
Minimum Order Quantity
¥0.61 - ¥2.91
د.إ 0.32 - د.إ 1.53
≥1 piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 1.3k
Specification model
Length*width 19*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.32
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.38
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.46
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.54
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.62
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.71
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.80
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 0.91
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.01
99999 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.13
100000 In Stock
Length*width 19*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.25
99999 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.33
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.39
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.47
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.55
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.64
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.72
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.82
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 0.92
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.03
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.14
100000 In Stock
Length*width 20*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.27
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.34
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.40
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.48
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.56
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.65
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.74
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.84
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 0.94
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.05
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.16
100000 In Stock
Length*width 21*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.28
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.35
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.42
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.49
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.57
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.66
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.75
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.85
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 0.96
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.07
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.18
100000 In Stock
Length*width 22*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.30
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.36
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.43
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.50
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.58
99950 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.67
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.77
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.87
99970 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 0.97
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.08
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.20
100000 In Stock
Length*width 23*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.32
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.37
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.44
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.51
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.60
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.69
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.78
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.88
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 0.98
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.10
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.21
100000 In Stock
Length*width 24*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.33
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.38
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.45
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.53
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.61
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.70
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.79
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.89
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.00
99980 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.11
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.23
100000 In Stock
Length*width 25*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.36
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.39
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.46
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.54
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.62
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.71
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.81
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.91
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.01
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.13
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.24
100000 In Stock
Length*width 26*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.37
99990 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.40
99850 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.47
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.55
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.64
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.72
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.82
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.92
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.03
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.14
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.27
100000 In Stock
Length*width 27*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.39
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.41
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.48
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.56
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.65
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.74
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.84
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.94
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.05
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.16
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.28
100000 In Stock
Length*width 28*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.41
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.42
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.49
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.57
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.66
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.75
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.85
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.95
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.06
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.18
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.30
100000 In Stock
Length*width 29*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.42
100000 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.43
99998 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.50
100000 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.59
99998 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.67
100000 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.77
99998 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.86
100000 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.97
100000 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.08
100000 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.19
100000 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.31
100000 In Stock
Length*width 30*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.44
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.44
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.51
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.60
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.68
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.78
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.88
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 0.98
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.09
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.21
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.33
100000 In Stock
Length*width 31*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.46
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.45
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.53
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.61
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.70
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.79
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.89
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 1.00
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.11
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.22
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.35
100000 In Stock
Length*width 32*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.48
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.46
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.54
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.62
99968 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.71
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.80
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.90
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 1.01
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.12
97900 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.24
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.37
100000 In Stock
Length*width 33*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.50
99990 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.47
100000 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.55
100000 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.64
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Length*width 34*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.72
100000 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.82
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Length*width 34*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.92
100000 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 1.02
100000 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.14
100000 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.26
100000 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.38
100000 In Stock
Length*width 34*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.51
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 2CM;yellow
د.إ 0.48
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 3CM;yellow
د.إ 0.56
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 4CM;yellow
د.إ 0.65
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 5CM;yellow
د.إ 0.74
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 6CM;yellow
د.إ 0.83
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 7CM;yellow
د.إ 0.93
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 8CM;yellow
د.إ 1.04
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 9CM;yellow
د.إ 1.16
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 10CM;yellow
د.إ 1.27
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 11CM;yellow
د.إ 1.40
100000 In Stock
Length*width 35*18CM;height 12CM;yellow
د.إ 1.53
100000 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0piece
¥0(د.إ 0.00)
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Product Details
Specification model:
Length*width 19*18CM;height 2CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 3CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 4CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 5CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 6CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 7CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 8CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 9CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 10CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 11CM;yellow,Length*width 19*18CM;height 12CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 2CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 3CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 4CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 5CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 6CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 7CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 8CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 9CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 10CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 11CM;yellow,Length*width 20*18CM;height 12CM;yellow,Length*width 21*18CM;height 2CM;yellow,Length*width 21*18CM;height 3CM;yellow,Length*width 21*18CM;height 4CM;yellow,Length*width 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Three layers
Item no:
Printed with LOGO:
Airplane box
Airplane box
Own weight:
Is it customized?:
Support customization
Paper box type:
Folding paper box
Daily production volume:
100k x
Internal dimensions:
Length minus 15 mm, width and height minus 5 mm
Outer size:
External dimensions
Paper (board) material:
Three layers of extra hard
Paper weight:
Color and printed appearance:
Whether cross-border export supply:
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