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shanghai communist packaging material co., ltd.

Transparent Packing Tape Whole Case Large Roll Warning Tape Sealing Express Shipping Industrial Grade Adhesive

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = A$ 0.2213
Other Currencies
Minimum Order Quantity
¥2 - ¥8.6
A$ 0.44 - A$ 1.90
≥12 Volume
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 245.7k
Specification model
Transparent white; width 4.3*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls)
A$ 0.55
841528 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.3*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 49 rolls)
A$ 1.07
851300 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.3*150, thickness 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls)
A$ 0.77
845433 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.3*300 thickness 4.0 (full box of 42 rolls)
A$ 1.59
854869 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.3*120 thickness 2.0 (63 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.65
855998 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.5*80, thickness 1.5 (72 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.44
847289 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.58
809050 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.5*150, thickness 2.5 (full box of 54 rolls)
A$ 0.81
783117 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.5*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 42 rolls)
A$ 1.11
849404 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.8*150 thickness 2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.89
850348 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.8*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 42 rolls)
A$ 1.23
852473 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.8*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.63
831068 In Stock
Transparent white; width 6.0*150*2.5 (full box of 45 rolls)
A$ 1.12
837257 In Stock
Transparent white; width 6.0*200, thickness 3.0 (30 rolls in total)
A$ 1.55
841961 In Stock
Transparent white; width 6.0*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls)
A$ 0.80
840269 In Stock
Transparent white; width 5.0*300 thickness 4.0 (36 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 1.90
853666 In Stock
Transparent white; width 5.0*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 42 rolls)
A$ 1.28
8557327 In Stock
Transparent white; width 5.0*150*2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.93
850763 In Stock
Transparent white; width 5.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.66
847523 In Stock
Transparent white; width 5.5*150*2.5 (full box of 45 rolls)
A$ 1.02
838501 In Stock
Transparent white; width 5.5*200, thickness 3.0 (35 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 1.42
853570 In Stock
Transparent white; width 5.5*100, thickness 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls)
A$ 0.72
848786 In Stock
Transparent white; 3.6*150 for packaging (64 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.66
855454 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls)
A$ 0.53
856491 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.0*150 thickness 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls)
A$ 0.74
855983 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.0*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 49 rolls)
A$ 1.02
855257 In Stock
Transparent white; width 3.0*120 thickness 2.0 (110 rolls per box)
A$ 0.46
854850 In Stock
Transparent white; width 4.5*300, thickness 4.0 (36 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 1.55
1773 In Stock
Transparent yellow; width 4.5*80, thickness 1.5 (72 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.44
857112 In Stock
Transparent yellow; width 4.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.58
842549 In Stock
Transparent yellow; width 4.5*150, thickness 2.5 (full box of 54 rolls)
A$ 0.81
845748 In Stock
Transparent yellow; width 4.8*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.63
853196 In Stock
Transparent yellow; width 6.0*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls)
A$ 0.80
853355 In Stock
Transparent yellow; width 5.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.66
853900 In Stock
Transparent yellow; width 5.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls)
A$ 0.72
846248 In Stock
Beige; width 4.5*80, thickness 1.5 (72 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.44
835957 In Stock
Beige; width 4.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.58
850074 In Stock
Beige; width 4.5*150 thickness 2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.81
848091 In Stock
Beige; width 4.8*150 thickness 2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.89
855772 In Stock
Beige; width 4.8*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.63
854742 In Stock
Beige; width 6.0*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls)
A$ 0.80
855237 In Stock
Beige; width 5.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls)
A$ 0.66
856532 In Stock
Beige; width 5.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls)
A$ 0.72
855365 In Stock
Red text on white background; width 4.3*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls)
A$ 0.60
849101 In Stock
Red text on white background; width 4.3*150 thickness 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls)
A$ 0.80
852316 In Stock
Red text on white background; width 4.3*120 thickness 2.0 (63 rolls in the whole box)
A$ 0.69
456106 In Stock
Blue text on white background; width 4.3*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls)
A$ 0.60
856452 In Stock
Blue text on white background; width 4.3*150 thick 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls)
A$ 0.80
855753 In Stock
Gold lettering on black background; width 4.3*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls)
A$ 0.60
856287 In Stock
Gold lettering on black background; width 4.3*150 thick 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls)
A$ 0.80
855731 In Stock
Green text on white background; width 4.3*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls)
A$ 0.60
856489 In Stock
Green text on white background; width 4.3*150 thick 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls)
A$ 0.80
855473 In Stock
Red text on yellow background; width 4.3*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls)
A$ 0.60
856521 In Stock
Red text on yellow background; width 4.3*150 thick 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls)
A$ 0.80
856181 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Volume
¥0(A$ 0.00)

Product Details

Transparent white,Beige,Transparent yellow,Gold lettering on black background,Red letters on white background,Green text on white background,Red letters on yellow background,Blue text on white background
Long-term temperature resistance:
Normal temperature
Short-term temperature resistance:
Normal temperature
Width 4.5*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Width 5.5*100 thickness 1.8 (60 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.5*150 thickness 2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.8*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Width 5.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Width 6.0*100 thickness 1.8 (60 rolls per box),Width 5.0*200 thickness 3.0 (42 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.0*150 thickness 2.5 (63 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Width 4.5*200 thickness 3.0 (42 rolls in the whole box),Width 6.0*200 thickness 3.0 (30 rolls in total),Width 4.0*200 thickness 3.0 (full box of 49 rolls),Width 4.5*80 thickness 1.5 (72 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.8*200 thickness 3.0 (full box of 42 rolls),Width 3.0*120 thickness 2.0 (110 rolls per box),Width 4.3*300 thickness 4.0 (full box of 42 rolls),Width 4.5*300 thickness 4.0 (36 rolls in the whole box),Width 5.5*150*2.5 (full box of 45 rolls),Width 4.3*120 thickness 2.0 (63 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.8*150 thickness 2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box),Width 5.0*300 thickness 4.0 (36 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.3*200 thickness 3.0 (full box of 49 rolls),Width 6.0*150*2.5 (full box of 45 rolls),3.6*150 for packaging (64 rolls in the whole box),Width 5.5*200 thickness 3.0 (35 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.3*150 thickness 2.5 (63 rolls in the whole box),Width 4.3*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Width 5.0*150*2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box)
Specification model:
Transparent white; width 4.3*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.3*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 49 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.3*150, thickness 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.3*300 thickness 4.0 (full box of 42 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.3*120 thickness 2.0 (63 rolls in the whole box),Transparent white; width 4.5*80, thickness 1.5 (72 rolls in the whole box),Transparent white; width 4.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.5*150, thickness 2.5 (full box of 54 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.5*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 42 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.8*150 thickness 2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box),Transparent white; width 4.8*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 42 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.8*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Transparent white; width 6.0*150*2.5 (full box of 45 rolls),Transparent white; width 6.0*200, thickness 3.0 (30 rolls in total),Transparent white; width 6.0*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls),Transparent white; width 5.0*300 thickness 4.0 (36 rolls in the whole box),Transparent white; width 5.0*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 42 rolls),Transparent white; width 5.0*150*2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box),Transparent white; width 5.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Transparent white; width 5.5*150*2.5 (full box of 45 rolls),Transparent white; width 5.5*200, thickness 3.0 (35 rolls in the whole box),Transparent white; width 5.5*100, thickness 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls),Transparent white; 3.6*150 for packaging (64 rolls in a box),Transparent white; width 4.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.0*150 thickness 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls),Transparent white; width 4.0*200, thickness 3.0 (full box of 49 rolls),Transparent white; width 3.0*120 thickness 2.0 (110 rolls per box),Transparent white; width 4.5*300, thickness 4.0 (36 rolls in the whole box),Transparent yellow; width 4.5*80, thickness 1.5 (72 rolls in the whole box),Transparent yellow; width 4.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Transparent yellow; width 4.5*150, thickness 2.5 (full box of 54 rolls),Transparent yellow; width 4.8*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Transparent yellow; width 6.0*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls),Transparent yellow; width 5.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Transparent yellow; width 5.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls),Beige; width 4.5*80, thickness 1.5 (72 rolls in the whole box),Beige; width 4.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Beige; width 4.5*150 thickness 2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box),Beige; width 4.8*150 thickness 2.5 (54 rolls in the whole box),Beige; width 4.8*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Beige; width 6.0*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls),Beige; width 5.0*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 72 rolls),Beige; width 5.5*100 and thickness 1.8 (full box of 60 rolls),Red text on white background; width 4.3*100 thickness 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Red text on white background; width 4.3*150 thickness 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls),Red text on white background; width 4.3*120 thickness 2.0 (63 rolls in the whole box),Blue text on white background; width 4.3*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Blue text on white background; width 4.3*150 thick 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls),Gold lettering on black background; width 4.3*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Gold lettering on black background; width 4.3*150 thick 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls),Green text on white background; width 4.3*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Green text on white background; width 4.3*150 thick 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls),Red text on yellow background; width 4.3*100 thick 1.8 (full box of 84 rolls),Red text on yellow background; width 4.3*150 thick 2.5 (full box of 63 rolls)
Item no:
BOPP film
Glue system:
Water-based pressure sensitive adhesive
Scope of application:
Packaging and sealing
Temperature resistance:
Normal temperature
Thick membrane:
Precautions for construction:
Beware blade
High viscosity
Back material:
Tape classification:
Packaging tape
Pure thick meat:
Tearing method:
With the help of a tool
Temperature resistance range:
Static shear time:
Whether cross-border export supply:
Main sales areas:
Product application:
Logistics, express delivery, etc. are widely used

Discover Warning Tape Sealing Transparent Packing Tape full box Shoes - Transparent Packing Tape

Discover Warning Tape Sealing Shoes

Stylish and Comfortable Warning Tape Sealing

Perfect for Warning Tape Sealing Look

  • Wide Application Range:This packaging tape is ideal for sealing boxes, packing, and warning labels, making it a versatile choice for various packaging needs.
  • Resistant to Temperature Fluctuations:With a temperature resistance of 10-60, this tape can withstand harsh environmental conditions, ensuring the integrity of your packages.
  • Bulk Purchase Option:Available for wholesale, this tape offers great value for money, making it an economical choice for businesses.
  • Tear Method Requires Assistance:The tape requires the use of a knife to tear, providing an extra layer of security and ensuring accurate use.
  • Packaging Tape Category:As part of the packaging tape category, this tape is designed to provide high-quality adhesion, seal, and protection for your packages.
  • Cautionary Note:When using the tape, be careful not to cut yourself on the knife blade, prioritizing safety while performing packaging tasks.