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yuedith outdoor products

Foldable storage outdoor wild cookware set pot kettle frying pan soup pot stove storage bag adapter supplies

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = A$ 0.2193
Minimum Order Quantity
A$ 2.63 - A$ 19.52
¥12 - ¥89
≥1 piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 608k
Mini small size frying pan (+ storage bag)
A$ 2.63
4238 In Stock
Medium frying pan (+ storage bag)
A$ 3.51
4804 In Stock
Large frying pan (+ storage bag)
A$ 4.61
4891 In Stock
0.8L kettle (+ storage bag)
A$ 5.04
4962 In Stock
1.1L kettle (+ storage bag)
A$ 5.92
4875 In Stock
1.6L kettle (+ storage bag)
A$ 6.80
4965 In Stock
5l kettle (+ storage bag)
A$ 7.89
4964 In Stock
Medium soup pot (+ storage bag)
A$ 5.70
4926 In Stock
Large soup pot (+ storage bag)
A$ 7.02
4870 In Stock
[Shopkeeper recommend] 2-4 people 1.6 kettle set pot (2 big pots 1 pot + accessories)
A$ 16.45
4864 In Stock
2-3 person pot set (2 medium Pot 1 small pot + storage bag)
A$ 11.40
4817 In Stock
2-4 person pot set (2 medium Pot 1 medium pot + storage bag)
A$ 12.28
4732 In Stock
4-6 person pot set (3 pots, 1 small pot + storage bag)
A$ 18.64
4882 In Stock
4-7 person pot set (3 Pot 1 medium pot + storage bag)
A$ 19.52
4750 In Stock
4-7 person pot set (4 pots + original storage bag)
A$ 18.64
4926 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0piece

Product Details

Hard alumina
Mainland China
Product category:
Item No.:
Outdoor pot
Printed LOGO:
Mini small size frying pan (+ storage bag),Medium frying pan (+ storage bag),Large frying pan (+ storage bag),0.8L kettle (+ storage bag),1.1L kettle (+ storage bag),1.6L kettle (+ storage bag),5l kettle (+ storage bag),Medium soup pot (+ storage bag),Large soup pot (+ storage bag),[Shopkeeper recommend] 2-4 people 1.6 kettle set pot (2 big pots 1 pot + accessories),2-3 person pot set (2 medium Pot 1 small pot + storage bag),2-4 person pot set (2 medium Pot 1 medium pot + storage bag),4-6 person pot set (3 pots, 1 small pot + storage bag),4-7 person pot set (3 Pot 1 medium pot + storage bag),4-7 person pot set (4 pots + original storage bag)
Applicable Number:
2-5 people
Patent type:
Suit configuration:
2-5 people
Multifunctional classification:
Outdoor cookware
Whether cross-border export is exclusively available:

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Stylish and Comfortable Foldable storage outdoor

Perfect for Foldable storage outdoor Look

  • Versatile Outdoor Cooking Set:This outdoor cooking set is designed to accommodate 2-5 people, making it perfect for camping, barbecues, or any other outdoor cooking adventures.
  • Compact Foldable Design:The compact foldable design of this cooking set allows for easy storage and transportation, making it an ideal choice for those who love to be outdoors.
  • All-inclusive Set:This all-inclusive set includes a pot for boiling water, a frying pan, a soup pot, and a camping stove, providing you with all the necessary tools for a successful outdoor cooking experience.
  • Durable Material:Made from high-quality materials, this cooking set is built to withstand the rigors of outdoor use, ensuring long-lasting durability and reliability.
  • Easy to Use:With its intuitive design, this cooking set is easy to use, making it suitable even for novice cooks. Just set up, light the fire, and enjoy your meal.
  • Convenient Accessories:The set comes with a transfer hose, making it even more convenient to prepare and serve your meals.