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yangmiao trading co., ltd.

Forging old-fashioned hoe strip hoe mountain hoe digging ground farming extra large hand-forged bamboo shoot digging hoe agricultural tools

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = A$ 0.2203
Minimum Order Quantity
A$ 2.31 - A$ 6.43
¥10.5 - ¥29.2
≥2 Piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 1.2k
Specification model
Ordinary model (100 width)*single head (comes with wooden clip)*
A$ 2.31
991 In Stock
Ordinary model (100 width) * with 1.3 wooden handle (comes with wooden clip)
A$ 5.22
994 In Stock
Thickened small size (90 width) * single head (wooden clip included)
A$ 2.75
960 In Stock
Thickened small size (90 width) * with 1.3 wooden handle (wooden clip included)
A$ 6.23
998 In Stock
Thickened medium size (95 width) * single head (wooden clip included)
A$ 2.97
985 In Stock
Thickened medium size (95 width) * with 1.3 wooden handle (wooden clip included)
A$ 6.43
996 In Stock
Thickened large size (105 wide)*single head (comes with wooden clip)
A$ 3.19
997 In Stock
Thickened large size (105 wide) * with 1.3 wooden handle (wooden clip included)
A$ 5.90
994 In Stock
Thickened and widened large size (120 wide)*single head (comes with wooden clip)
A$ 3.41
981 In Stock
Thickened and widened large size (120 wide) * with 1.3 wooden handle (comes with wooden clip)
A$ 6.10
987 In Stock
1.3m wooden handle*single head (wooden clip included)
A$ 3.04
995 In Stock
1.3m wooden handle *with 1.3 wooden handle (wooden clip included) * high carbon steel * flat hoe * wood * as shown
A$ 3.04
999 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Piece

Product Details

Hoe width:
As shown in the picture
Specification model:
Ordinary model (100 width)*single head (comes with wooden clip)*,Ordinary model (100 width) * with 1.3 wooden handle (comes with wooden clip),Thickened small size (90 width) * single head (wooden clip included),Thickened small size (90 width) * with 1.3 wooden handle (wooden clip included),Thickened medium size (95 width) * single head (wooden clip included),Thickened medium size (95 width) * with 1.3 wooden handle (wooden clip included),Thickened large size (105 wide)*single head (comes with wooden clip),Thickened large size (105 wide) * with 1.3 wooden handle (wooden clip included),Thickened and widened large size (120 wide)*single head (comes with wooden clip),Thickened and widened large size (120 wide) * with 1.3 wooden handle (comes with wooden clip),1.3m wooden handle*single head (wooden clip included),1.3m wooden handle *with 1.3 wooden handle (wooden clip included) * high carbon steel * flat hoe * wood * as shown
Item number:
As shown in the picture
Full length:
As shown in the picture
Scope of application:
As shown in the picture
Country/region of origin:
Is it a special supply source for cross-border export?:
Main downstream platform:
ebay,Amazon,wish,Aliexpress,Independent station,LAZADA
Main sales areas:
African,North america,Other
There are authorizable private brands:
Order number:
As shown in the picture

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