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New Furniture Accessible Luxury All Solid Wood Real Slate Girl's Bedroom Modern Dressing Table Drawer Cabinet Integrated Simple Dressing Table

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = A$ 0.2193
Minimum Order Quantity
A$ 125.00 - A$ 208.12
¥570 - ¥949
≥1 Piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 27k
Milk white 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool
Milk white 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool
Milk white 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool
Milk white 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair
Milk white 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair
Milk white 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair
Milk white 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair
Milk white 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair
Milk white 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair
Pink 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool
Pink 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool
Pink 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool
Pink 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair
Pink 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair
Pink 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair
Pink 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair
Pink 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair
Pink 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair
Milk white 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror (without stool)
Milk white 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror (without stool)
Milk white 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror (without stool)
Milk white 80 table + cabinet (no mirror or stool)
Milk white 100 table + cabinet (no mirror or stool)
Milk white 120 table + cabinet (no mirror or stool)
All solid wood slate three drawer cabinet
A$ 149.12
996 In Stock
All solid wood slate six chest
A$ 194.96
999 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Piece

Product Details

All solid wood slate three drawer cabinet,All solid wood slate six chest
Edge sealing:
Item no:
Applicable occasions:
Living room
Description of hardware accessories:
Milk white 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool,Milk white 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool,Milk white 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool,Milk white 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair,Milk white 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair,Milk white 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair,Milk white 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair,Milk white 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair,Milk white 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair,Pink 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool,Pink 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool,Pink 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + london stool,Pink 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair,Pink 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair,Pink 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + petal chair,Pink 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair,Pink 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair,Pink 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror + swan chair,Milk white 80 table + cabinet + smart mirror (without stool),Milk white 100 table + cabinet + smart mirror (without stool),Milk white 120 table + cabinet + smart mirror (without stool),Milk white 80 table + cabinet (no mirror or stool),Milk white 100 table + cabinet (no mirror or stool),Milk white 120 table + cabinet (no mirror or stool)
No paint
Applicable age group:
Countertop material:
Trade attributes:
Simple and modern
Gross weight:
Structural process:
Whether it can be customized:
Additional features:
Furniture structure:
Bracket structure
Packaging volume:
Whether to provide installation services:
Main downstream platform:
Main sales areas:
Is it delivered to your door?:
No door-to-door delivery
Is there a 3D moDel?:

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