In stock disposable fried snack plate oil-absorbing lace paper pad food grade printing flower paper flower bottom paper
Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = C$ 0.2021
Minimum Order Quantity
C$ 0.54 - C$ 26.05
¥2.68 - ¥128.88
≥100 Piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 839k
500 sheets/piece
Lace 3 inches (7.6cm)
C$ 0.54
9938 In Stock
Lace 3.5 inches (cm)
C$ 0.76
9917 In Stock
Lace 4 inches (10.2cm)
C$ 0.99
9966 In Stock
Lace 4.5 inch (cm)
C$ 1.21
4283 In Stock
Lace 5.5 inches (14cm)
C$ 1.84
8505 In Stock
Lace 6.5 inches (cm)
C$ 2.54
8850 In Stock
Lace 7.5 inches (19cm)
C$ 3.37
1726 In Stock
Lace 8.5 inches (cm)
C$ 4.34
9126 In Stock
Lace 9.5 inches (24cm)
C$ 5.13
9554 In Stock
Lace 10.5 inches (cm)
C$ 7.09
9861 In Stock
Lace 11.5 inches (cm)
C$ 7.59
9982 In Stock
Lace 12 inches (cm)
C$ 8.67
9954 In Stock
Lace 12.5 inches (cm)
C$ 9.35
9988 In Stock
Lace 13.5 inches (cm)
C$ 10.95
9986 In Stock
Lace 14 inches (cm)
C$ 11.72
5993 In Stock
Lace 14.5 inches (cm)
C$ 12.61
7999 In Stock
Lace 15.5 inches (cm)
C$ 14.37
9994 In Stock
Lace 16.5 inches (cm)
C$ 16.41
9998 In Stock
Oval lace 6.5x 9 inches (16.5x 22.8cm)
C$ 3.51
9988 In Stock
Oval lace 8.5 x6.5 inches (21.6 × cm)
C$ 3.31
4896 In Stock
Oval lace 8.5 x12.5 inch (21.6 x31.7cm)
C$ 6.36
9983 In Stock
Oval lace 10.25x14 inch (26 x35.5cm)
C$ 8.59
9997 In Stock
Rectangular lace 7.5x 12 inches (19x 30.5cm)
C$ 5.39
9966 In Stock
Rectangular lace 8 x15.75 inches (20.3 x40cm)
C$ 7.55
9998 In Stock
Rectangular lace 10 x14.5 inch (25.4 x36.8cm)
C$ 8.71
9999 In Stock
Rectangular lace 12 x15.75 inches (30.5 x40cm)
C$ 11.35
9999 In Stock
Rectangular lace 14x18 inch (cm)
C$ 26.05
7639 In Stock
Rectangular lace 4.5x 6 inches (11.4x 15.2cm)
C$ 1.61
9992 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Piece
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Total Sales 896
Repeat Purchase Rate 100%
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Repeat Purchase Rate 47%
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Repeat Purchase Rate 100%
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Repeat Purchase Rate 0%
Total Sales 3260
Repeat Purchase Rate 20%
Total Sales 32
Repeat Purchase Rate 100%
Product Details
High-grade translucent paper
Modern simplicity
Lace 3 inches (7.6cm),Lace 3.5 inches (cm),Lace 4 inches (10.2cm),Lace 4.5 inch (cm),Lace 5.5 inches (14cm),Lace 6.5 inches (cm),Lace 7.5 inches (19cm),Lace 8.5 inches (cm),Lace 9.5 inches (24cm),Lace 10.5 inches (cm),Lace 11.5 inches (cm),Lace 12 inches (cm),Lace 12.5 inches (cm),Lace 13.5 inches (cm),Lace 14 inches (cm),Lace 14.5 inches (cm),Lace 15.5 inches (cm),Lace 16.5 inches (cm),Oval lace 6.5x 9 inches (16.5x 22.8cm),Oval lace 8.5 x6.5 inches (21.6 × cm),Oval lace 8.5 x12.5 inch (21.6 x31.7cm),Oval lace 10.25x14 inch (26 x35.5cm),Rectangular lace 7.5x 12 inches (19x 30.5cm),Rectangular lace 8 x15.75 inches (20.3 x40cm),Rectangular lace 10 x14.5 inch (25.4 x36.8cm),Rectangular lace 12 x15.75 inches (30.5 x40cm),Rectangular lace 14x18 inch (cm),Rectangular lace 4.5x 6 inches (11.4x 15.2cm)
Item No.:
Lace paper
Baking paper
500 sheets/piece
Weight per square meter:
Import or not:
Is there a patent:
Whether raw materials are imported:
Whether cross-border export is exclusively available:
Have authorized private brands:
Coating material:
Silicone oil
National Industrial Production License No.:
Guangdong XK16-205-00414
Discover lace paper pad oil,National Industrial Production Silicone oil,National Industrial Shoes - oil,National Industrial Production
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