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shengling e-commerce

NetEase Cloud Simulation Vinyl Record Graffiti diy Happy Birthday Graduation Gift Decoration Clock Decoration Jay Chou

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = C$ 0.2017
Minimum Order Quantity
C$ 0.30 - C$ 4.64
¥1.5 - ¥23
≥1 piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 41.5k
No pattern
Jay +8 color pen
Jay + base
Jay + gift bag
Jay+8 color pen+base
Jay+8 color pen+base+gift bag
Random stickers
Random stickers + gift bag
Random stickers +8 color pen
Random stickers + base
Random stickers +8 color pen + base
Random stickers +8 color pen + base + gift bag
Blue happy birthday
Blue Happy Birthday + gift bag
Blue Happy Birthday +8 color pen
Blue Happy Birthday + base
Blue Happy Birthday +8 color pen + base
Blue happy birthday + 8 color pens + base + gift bag
Red happy birthday
Red Happy Birthday + gift bag
Red Happy Birthday +8 color pen
Red Happy Birthday + base
Red Happy Birthday +8 color pen + base
Red Happy Birthday +8 color pen + base + gift bag
Jay + Gift Bag +8 color pen
Happy Graduation
Happy graduation + gift bag
Happy graduation + base
Happy graduation +8 color pen
Happy graduation +8 color pen + base
Happy graduation +8 color pen + base + gift bag
Custom pattern
Custom pattern + gift bag
Custom pattern + base
Custom pattern +8 color pen
Customized pattern +8 color pen + base
Customized pattern +8 color pen + base + gift bag
Customized pattern movement white pointer + gift bag
Customized pattern movement white pointer + base
Customized pattern movement white pointer +8 color pen + base
Customized pattern movement white pointer +8 color pen + base + gift bag
Custom pattern movement white finger
Jay movement white pointer
Jay movement white pointer + base
Jay movement white pointer + gift bag
Jay movement white pointer +8 color pen
Jay movement white pointer +8 color pen + base
Jay movement white pointer +8 color pen + Gift Bag + gift bag
+ template no work today
+ template life long live
Puppy Cake
Puppy cake 8 color pen
Puppy cake + gift bag
Puppy Cake Stand
Puppy cake 8 color pen holder
Puppy cake + 8-color pen + stand + gift bag
Puppy cake movement white pointer
Puppy cake movement white pointer 8 color pen
Metal bracket
12-inch 30CM vinyl
C$ 0.45
949632 In Stock
7-inch 18CM vinyl
C$ 0.30
8402 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0piece

Product Details

Product number:
15.0inch cm vinyl,8.8inch cm vinyl
Storage capacity:
12 villages, 12 villages plus pen
European style
No pattern,Jay,Jay+8 color pen,Jay+base,Jay+gift bag,Jay+8 color pen+base,Jay+8 color pen+base+gift bag,Stickers random,Stickers random + gift bag,Random stickers + 8 color pens,Stickers random + base,Random stickers + 8 color pens + base,Random stickers + 8 color pens + base + gift bag,Happy birthday blue,Blue happy birthday + gift bag,Blue happy birthday + 8 color pens,Blue happy birthday + base,Happy birthday blue + 8 color pens + base,Blue happy birthday + 8 color pens + base + gift bag,Red happy birthday,Red happy birthday + gift bag,Red happy birthday + 8 color pens,Red happy birthday + base,Red happy birthday + 8 color pens + base,Red happy birthday + 8 color pens + base + gift bag,Jay+gift bag+8 color pens,Happy graduation,Happy graduation + gift bag,Happy graduation + base,Happy graduation + 8 color pens,Happy graduation + 8 color pens + base,Happy graduation + 8 color pen + base + gift bag,Custom patterns,Custom pattern + gift bag,Custom pattern + base,Customized pattern + 8 color pens,Customized pattern + 8 color pen + base,Customized pattern + 8 color pen + base + gift bag,Custom pattern movement white pointer + gift bag,Custom pattern movement white hands + base,Custom pattern movement white hands + 8 color pens + base,Customized pattern movement white hands + 8-color pen + base + gift bag,Custom pattern movement white finger,Jay movement white hands,Jay movement white hands + base,Jay movement white hands + gift bag,Jay movement white hands + 8 color pens,Jay movement white hands + 8 color pens + base,Jay movement white hands + 8-color pen + gift bag + gift bag,+the template does not work today,+many live with a template,Puppy cake,Puppy cake + 8-color pen,Puppy cake + gift bag,Puppy cake + stand,Puppy cake + 8 color pen + stand,Puppy cake + 8-color pen + stand + gift bag,Puppy cake movement white hands,Puppy cake movement white hands + 8 color pens,Metal bracket
Item number:
Shengling electronics
Home pendants
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Bedroom,Study,Bathroom,Commercial places
Number of packages:
20 pieces
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