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beilin smart home

Factory supply big monster high depth very narrow g high depth side pull bowl basket cabinet door type multi-layer side pull basket storage

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = C$ 0.2019
Other Currencies
Minimum Order Quantity
¥265 - ¥908
C$ 53.50 - C$ 183.33
≥1 Sleeve
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 39k
150 cabinet 2 layers (330 depth)
C$ 53.50
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 3 layers (330 depth)
C$ 68.04
999 In Stock
150 cabinets with 4 layers (330 depth)
C$ 100.95
999 In Stock
150 cabinets with 5 layers (330 depth)
C$ 118.11
999 In Stock
150 cabinets with 6 layers (330 depth)
C$ 132.24
999 In Stock
7 layers of 150 cabinets (330 depth)
C$ 159.50
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 2 layers (330 depth)
C$ 90.45
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 3 layers (330 depth)
C$ 100.55
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 4 layers (330 depth)
C$ 110.64
998 In Stock
200 cabinets with 5 layers (330 depth)
C$ 120.74
998 In Stock
200 cabinets with 6 layers (330 depth)
C$ 130.83
997 In Stock
200 cabinets with 7 layers (330 depth)
C$ 140.93
997 In Stock
2 layers of 250 cabinets (330 depth)
C$ 98.53
998 In Stock
250 cabinets with 3 layers (330 depth)
C$ 108.62
998 In Stock
250 cabinets with 4 layers (330 depth)
C$ 118.72
999 In Stock
250 cabinets with 5 layers (330 depth)
C$ 128.81
998 In Stock
250 cabinets with 6 layers (330 depth)
C$ 138.91
997 In Stock
250 cabinets with 7 layers (330 depth)
C$ 149.00
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 2 layers (330 depth)
C$ 102.57
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 3 layers (330 depth)
C$ 112.66
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 4 layers (330 depth)
C$ 122.76
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 5 layers (330 depth)
C$ 132.85
997 In Stock
300 cabinets with 6 layers (330 depth)
C$ 142.95
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 7 layers (330 depth)
C$ 153.04
996 In Stock
150 cabinet 2 layers (370 depth)
C$ 72.28
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 3 layers (370 depth)
C$ 82.38
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 4 layers (370 depth)
C$ 92.47
998 In Stock
150 cabinet with 5 layers (370 depth)
C$ 102.57
999 In Stock
150 cabinet with 6 layers (370 depth)
C$ 112.66
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 7 layers (370 depth)
C$ 122.76
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 2 layers (370 depth)
C$ 94.49
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 3 layers (370 depth)
C$ 104.58
999 In Stock
200 cabinet with 4 layers (370 depth)
C$ 114.68
998 In Stock
200 cabinets with 5 layers (370 depth)
C$ 124.77
999 In Stock
200 cabinet with 6 layers (370 depth)
C$ 134.87
999 In Stock
200 cabinet with 7 layers (370 depth)
C$ 144.96
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 2 layers (370 depth)
C$ 98.53
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 3 layers (370 depth)
C$ 108.62
999 In Stock
250 cabinet with 4 layers (370 depth)
C$ 118.72
999 In Stock
250 cabinet with 5 layers (370 depth)
C$ 128.81
998 In Stock
250 cabinet with 6 layers (370 depth)
C$ 138.91
999 In Stock
250 cabinet with 7 layers (370 depth)
C$ 149.00
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 2 layers (370 depth)
C$ 102.57
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 3 layers (370 depth)
C$ 112.66
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 4 layers (370 depth)
C$ 122.76
999 In Stock
300 cabinet with 5 layers (370 depth)
C$ 132.85
999 In Stock
300 cabinet with 6 layers (370 depth)
C$ 142.95
999 In Stock
300 cabinet with 7 layers (370 depth)
C$ 153.04
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 2 layers (485 depth)
C$ 62.19
998 In Stock
150 cabinet 3 layers (485 depth)
C$ 72.28
997 In Stock
150 cabinet 4 layers (485 depth)
C$ 92.47
999 In Stock
150 cabinet with 5 layers (485 depth)
C$ 112.66
998 In Stock
150 cabinet 6 layers (485 depth)
C$ 132.85
996 In Stock
150 cabinet 7 layers (485 depth)
C$ 153.04
997 In Stock
200 cabinets with 2 layers (485 depth)
C$ 62.19
997 In Stock
200 cabinets with 3 layers (485 depth)
C$ 72.28
995 In Stock
200 cabinets with 4 layers (485 depth)
C$ 92.47
997 In Stock
200 cabinets with 5 layers (485 deep)
C$ 112.66
991 In Stock
200 cabinets with 6 layers (485 depth)
C$ 117.51
983 In Stock
200 cabinets with 7 layers (485 depth)
C$ 153.04
994 In Stock
250 cabinets with 2 layers (485 depth)
C$ 64.20
998 In Stock
250 cabinets with 3 layers (485 deep)
C$ 74.30
999 In Stock
250 cabinets with 4 layers (485 deep)
C$ 92.47
998 In Stock
250 cabinets with 5 layers (485 deep)
C$ 130.83
997 In Stock
250 cabinets with 6 layers (485 deep)
C$ 138.91
989 In Stock
250 cabinets with 7 layers (485 deep)
C$ 151.02
992 In Stock
300 cabinets with 2 layers (485 depth)
C$ 70.66
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 3 layers (485 depth)
C$ 78.54
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 4 layers (485 deep)
C$ 111.05
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 5 layers (485 deep)
C$ 129.01
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 6 layers (485 deep)
C$ 147.39
997 In Stock
300 cabinets with 7 layers (485 deep)
C$ 175.45
998 In Stock
150 cabinet 2 layers (610 depth)
C$ 122.76
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 3 layers (610 depth)
C$ 132.85
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 4 layers (610 depth)
C$ 142.95
999 In Stock
150 cabinet with 5 layers (610 depth)
C$ 153.04
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 6 layers (610 depth)
C$ 163.14
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 7 layers (610 depth)
C$ 173.23
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 2 layers (610 depths)
C$ 124.77
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 3 layers (610 depths)
C$ 134.87
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 4 layers (610 depth)
C$ 144.96
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 5 layers (610 depths)
C$ 155.06
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 6 layers (610 depth)
C$ 165.15
999 In Stock
200 cabinets with 7 layers (610 depths)
C$ 175.25
999 In Stock
250 cabinets 2 layers (610 depths)
C$ 130.83
999 In Stock
250 cabinets 3 layers (610 depths)
C$ 140.93
999 In Stock
250 cabinets with 4 layers (610 depths)
C$ 151.02
999 In Stock
250 cabinets with 5 layers (610 depth)
C$ 161.12
999 In Stock
250 cabinets with 6 layers (610 depths)
C$ 171.21
999 In Stock
250 cabinets with 7 layers (610 depth)
C$ 181.31
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 2 layers (610 depths)
C$ 132.85
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 3 layers (610 depths)
C$ 142.95
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 4 layers (610 depth)
C$ 153.04
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 5 layers (610 depths)
C$ 163.14
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 6 layers (610 depths)
C$ 173.23
999 In Stock
300 cabinets with 7 layers (610 depth)
C$ 183.33
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 2 layers (410 depth)
C$ 76.32
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 3 layers (410 depth)
C$ 86.41
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 4 layers (410 depth)
C$ 96.51
999 In Stock
150 cabinet with 5 layers (410 depth)
C$ 106.60
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 6 layers (410 depth)
C$ 116.70
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 7 layers (410 depth)
C$ 126.79
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 2 layers (410 depth)
C$ 78.34
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 3 layers (410 depth)
C$ 88.43
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 4 layers (410 depth)
C$ 98.53
999 In Stock
200 cabinet with 5 layers (410 depth)
C$ 108.62
998 In Stock
200 cabinet with 6 layers (410 depth)
C$ 118.72
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 7 layers (410 depth)
C$ 128.81
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 2 layers (410 depth)
C$ 82.38
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 3 layers (410 depth)
C$ 92.47
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 4 layers (410 depth)
C$ 102.57
999 In Stock
250 cabinet with 5 layers (410 depth)
C$ 112.66
999 In Stock
250 cabinet with 6 layers (410 depth)
C$ 122.76
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 7 layers (410 depth)
C$ 132.85
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 2 layers (410 depth)
C$ 86.41
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 3 layers (410 depth)
C$ 96.51
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 4 layers (410 depth)
C$ 106.60
999 In Stock
300 cabinet with 5 layers (410 depth)
C$ 116.70
999 In Stock
300 cabinet with 6 layers (410 depth)
C$ 126.79
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 7 layers (410 depth)
C$ 136.89
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 2 layers (540 depth)
C$ 102.57
998 In Stock
150 cabinet 3 layers (540 depth)
C$ 112.66
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 4 layers (540 depth)
C$ 122.76
999 In Stock
150 cabinet with 5 layers (540 depth)
C$ 132.85
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 6 layers (540 depth)
C$ 142.95
999 In Stock
150 cabinet 7 layers (540 depth)
C$ 153.04
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 2 layers (540 depth)
C$ 104.58
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 3 layers (540 depth)
C$ 114.68
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 4 layers (540 depth)
C$ 124.77
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 5 layers (540 depth)
C$ 134.87
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 6 layers (540 depth)
C$ 144.96
999 In Stock
200 cabinet 7 layers (540 depth)
C$ 155.06
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 2 layers (540 depth)
C$ 108.62
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 3 layers (540 depth)
C$ 118.72
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 4 layers (540 depth)
C$ 128.81
999 In Stock
250 cabinet with 5 layers (540 depth)
C$ 138.91
999 In Stock
250 cabinet with 6 layers (540 depth)
C$ 149.00
999 In Stock
250 cabinet 7 layers (540 depth)
C$ 159.10
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 2 layers (540 depth)
C$ 112.66
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 3 layers (540 depth)
C$ 122.76
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 4 layers (540 depth)
C$ 132.85
999 In Stock
300 cabinet with 5 layers (540 depth)
C$ 142.95
998 In Stock
300 cabinet 6 layers (540 depth)
C$ 153.04
999 In Stock
300 cabinet 7 layers (540 depth)
C$ 163.14
998 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Sleeve
¥0(C$ 0.00)

Product Details

Aluminum alloy
Modern and minimalist
150 cabinet 2 layers (330 depth),150 cabinet 3 layers (330 depth),150 cabinet 4 layers (330 depth),150 cabinet with 5 layers (330 depth),150 cabinet with 6 layers (330 depth),150 cabinet with 7 layers (330 depth),200 cabinet 2 layers (330 depth),200 cabinet 3 layers (330 depth),200 cabinet with 4 layers (330 depth),200 cabinet with 5 layers (330 depth),200 cabinet with 6 layers (330 depth),200 cabinet with 7 layers (330 depth),250 cabinet 2 layers (330 depth),250 cabinet 3 layers (330 depth),250 cabinet with 4 layers (330 depth),250 cabinet with 5 layers (330 depth),250 cabinet with 6 layers (330 depth),250 cabinet with 7 layers (330 depth),300 cabinet 2 layers (330 depth),300 cabinet 3 layers (330 depth),300 cabinet 4 layers (330 depth),300 cabinet with 5 layers (330 depth),300 cabinet with 6 layers (330 depth),300 cabinet with 7 layers (330 depth),150 cabinet 2 layers (370 depth),150 cabinet 3 layers (370 depth),150 cabinet 4 layers (370 depth),150 cabinet with 5 layers (370 depth),150 cabinet with 6 layers (370 depth),150 cabinet 7 layers (370 depth),200 cabinet 2 layers (370 depth),200 cabinet 3 layers (370 depth),200 cabinet with 4 layers (370 depth),200 cabinets with 5 layers (370 depth),200 cabinet with 6 layers (370 depth),200 cabinet with 7 layers (370 depth),250 cabinet 2 layers (370 depth),250 cabinet 3 layers (370 depth),250 cabinet with 4 layers (370 depth),250 cabinet with 5 layers (370 depth),250 cabinet with 6 layers (370 depth),250 cabinet with 7 layers (370 depth),300 cabinet 2 layers (370 depth),300 cabinet 3 layers (370 depth),300 cabinet 4 layers (370 depth),300 cabinet with 5 layers (370 depth),300 cabinet with 6 layers (370 depth),300 cabinet with 7 layers (370 depth),150 cabinet 2 layers (485 depth),150 cabinet 3 layers (485 depth),150 cabinet 4 layers (485 depth),150 cabinet with 5 layers (485 depth),150 cabinet 6 layers (485 depth),150 cabinet 7 layers (485 depth),200 cabinet 2 layers (485 depth),200 cabinet 3 layers (485 depth),200 cabinet 4 layers (485 depth),200 cabinet with 5 layers (485 depth),200 cabinet with 6 layers (485 depth),200 cabinet 7 layers (485 depth),250 cabinet 2 layers (485 depth),250 cabinet 3 layers (485 depth),250 cabinet with 4 layers (485 depth),250 cabinet with 5 layers (485 depth),250 cabinet with 6 layers (485 depth),250 cabinet with 7 layers (485 depth),300 cabinet 2 layers (485 depth),300 cabinet 3 layers (485 depth),300 cabinet 4 layers (485 depth),300 cabinet with 5 layers (485 depth),300 cabinet with 6 layers (485 depth),300 cabinet with 7 layers (485 depth),150 cabinet 2 layers (610 depth),150 cabinet 3 layers (610 depth),150 cabinet 4 layers (610 depth),150 cabinet with 5 layers (610 depth),150 cabinet 6 layers (610 depth),150 cabinet 7 layers (610 depth),200 cabinet 2 layers (610 depth),200 cabinet 3 layers (610 depth),200 cabinet 4 layers (610 depth),200 cabinet with 5 layers (610 depth),200 cabinet 6 layers (610 depth),200 cabinet 7 layers (610 depth),250 cabinet 2 layers (610 depth),250 cabinet 3 layers (610 depth),250 cabinet with 4 layers (610 depth),250 cabinet with 5 layers (610 depth),250 cabinet with 6 layers (610 depth),250 cabinet with 7 layers (610 depth),300 cabinet 2 layers (610 depth),300 cabinet 3 layers (610 depth),300 cabinet 4 layers (610 depth),300 cabinet with 5 layers (610 depth),300 cabinet with 6 layers (610 depth),300 cabinet with 7 layers (610 depth),150 cabinet 2 layers (410 depth),150 cabinet 3 layers (410 depth),150 cabinet 4 layers (410 depth),150 cabinet with 5 layers (410 depth),150 cabinet 6 layers (410 depth),150 cabinet 7 layers (410 depth),200 cabinet 2 layers (410 depth),200 cabinet 3 layers (410 depth),200 cabinet 4 layers (410 depth),200 cabinet with 5 layers (410 depth),200 cabinet with 6 layers (410 depth),200 cabinet 7 layers (410 depth),250 cabinet 2 layers (410 depth),250 cabinet 3 layers (410 depth),250 cabinet 4 layers (410 depth),250 cabinet with 5 layers (410 depth),250 cabinet with 6 layers (410 depth),250 cabinet 7 layers (410 depth),300 cabinet 2 layers (410 depth),300 cabinet 3 layers (410 depth),300 cabinet 4 layers (410 depth),300 cabinet with 5 layers (410 depth),300 cabinet with 6 layers (410 depth),300 cabinet 7 layers (410 depth),150 cabinet 2 layers (540 depth),150 cabinet 3 layers (540 depth),150 cabinet 4 layers (540 depth),150 cabinet with 5 layers (540 depth),150 cabinet 6 layers (540 depth),150 cabinet 7 layers (540 depth),200 cabinet 2 layers (540 depth),200 cabinet 3 layers (540 depth),200 cabinet 4 layers (540 depth),200 cabinet 5 layers (540 depth),200 cabinet 6 layers (540 depth),200 cabinet 7 layers (540 depth),250 cabinet 2 layers (540 depth),250 cabinet 3 layers (540 depth),250 cabinet 4 layers (540 depth),250 cabinet with 5 layers (540 depth),250 cabinet with 6 layers (540 depth),250 cabinet 7 layers (540 depth),300 cabinet 2 layers (540 depth),300 cabinet 3 layers (540 depth),300 cabinet 4 layers (540 depth),300 cabinet with 5 layers (540 depth),300 cabinet 6 layers (540 depth),300 cabinet 7 layers (540 depth)
Item number:
Wei zheng
Treatment process:
Is it a special supply source for cross-border export?:
Main downstream platform:
Main sales areas:
North america
There are authorizable private brands:
Is it a general taxpayer?:

Discover cabinet authorizable private brands Factory supply big Shoes - authorizable private brands

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Stylish and Comfortable Cabinet

Perfect for Cabinet Look

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