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Kite Toy - Colorful Rainbow Kite Tail For Outdoor Play

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₦ 216.0737
Minimum Order Quantity
₦ 2139.13 - ₦ 25064.55
¥9.9 - ¥116
≥2 piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 1.4k
Hp 11m printed green snake
₦ 2139.13
3364 In Stock
Hp 16m printed green snake
₦ 2808.96
5165 In Stock
Sdl cartoon snake [green]
₦ 2592.88
9816 In Stock
Sdl cartoon snake [red]
₦ 2592.88
9843 In Stock
Gy25 dragon king
₦ 2484.85
932 In Stock
GY Dragon (large yellow)
₦ 3889.33
16 In Stock
GY Dragon (Large Blue)
₦ 3889.33
33 In Stock
Gy dragon (large pink)
₦ 3889.33
1 In Stock
GY Dragon (trumpet yellow)
₦ 3025.03
34 In Stock
GY Dragon (trumpet blue)
₦ 3025.03
7 In Stock
HP Fire Dragon (Red Yellow)
₦ 6050.06
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HP ice dragon (blue)
₦ 6050.06
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ZHQ(25 m) Dawei Tianlong
₦ 6482.21
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ZHQ(50 m) Dawei Tianlong
₦ 12964.42
1 In Stock
XY [20 m] Ba Tianlong
₦ 6698.28
8 In Stock
XY [70 m] Ba Tianlong
₦ 25064.55
8 In Stock
ZHQ6.5 m (small) centipede
₦ 6482.21
9270 In Stock
ZHQ14 m (large) centipede
₦ 16853.75
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FR(7 m small) centipede
₦ 9075.10
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SDL(30 m) Overlord Snake
₦ 7130.43
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HP(48 m) Overlord Snake
₦ 9723.32
50 In Stock
Sdl width 1.6m length 4.85m dragon
₦ 3889.33
958 In Stock
Ll 50m machine snake
₦ 17069.82
1 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0piece

Product Details

Plaid cloth + polyester
Product number:
Long tail kite
Hp 11m printed green snake,Hp 16m printed green snake,Sdl cartoon snake [green],Sdl cartoon snake [red],Gy25 dragon king,Gy dragon (large yellow),Gy dragon (large blue),Gy dragon (large pink),Gy dragon (small yellow),Gy dragon (small blue),Hp fire dragon (red and yellow),Hp ice dragon (blue),Zhq( 25m ) great power tianlong,Zhq( 50m ) great power tianlong,Xy【 20m 】tianlong,Xy【 70m 】tianlong,Zhq 6.5m (small),Zhq 14m (large) ,Fr( 7m small),Sdl( 30m ) overlord snake,Hp( 48m ) overlord snake,Sdl width 1.6m length 4.85m dragon,Ll 50m machine snake
Chinese style,New chinese style
Skeleton material:
Fiberglass rod
Multiple specifications
Item number:
Long tail kite
Printed logo:
Plaid cloth + polyester
Production method:
Is it imported?:
Kite origin:
Weifang kite
Kite category:
Triangular kite
Processing and customization:
Is it a patented supply?:
Is it a special supply source for cross-border export?:
Is it a gift?:
Is it ip authorized?:

Discover Rainbow Kite Tail great power tianlong,Size printed green snake,Size Shoes - great power tianlong,Size

Discover Rainbow Kite Tail Shoes

Stylish and Comfortable Rainbow Kite Tail

Perfect for Rainbow Kite Tail Look

  • Versatile Size Options:Choose from a range of sizes including 11 meters, 15 meters, 30 meters, and 50 meters to suit your needs and flying conditions.
  • High-Quality Material:Constructed with glass steel rods, this kite is durable and designed to soar high in the sky.
  • Multiple Models Available:A variety of models are available, ensuring you can find the perfect one for your flying enthusiast.
  • Wholesale Options:Ideal for retailers, this product is available for wholesale, offering a great opportunity for profit margin.
  • Unique Design:Featuring a unique combination of a kite and a glider, this product offers a thrilling flying experience.
  • Easy to Fly:With its robust structure and easy-to-understand instructions, this kite is easy to fly, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced pilots.