jiangba commercial chess and card supplies factory
New 26mm Mini Portable Mahjong Travel Size Student Dormitory Carrying Small Miniature Mahjong Cards Outdoor Leisure Game
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Product Details
New 26mm ivory small mahjong gift [handbag + tablecloth + color]],New 26mm pink small mahjong gift [handbag + tablecloth + color]],New 26mm big red small mahjong gift [handbag + tablecloth + color]],New 26mm Sky Blue small mahjong gift [handbag + tablecloth + color]],New 26mm dark green small mahjong gift [handbag + tablecloth + color]]
Item No.:
New 26mm
Fun raccoon dog
Tooth color, Crystal Jade, sky blue, sapphire blue, pink, red, dark green, emerald green
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Applicable Scenarios:
Chess and card Entertainment
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Discover Mini Portable Mahjong Travel Size Student Size Student Dormitory Shoes - Travel Size Student
Discover Mini Portable Mahjong Shoes
Stylish and Comfortable Mini Portable Mahjong
Perfect for Mini Portable Mahjong Look
- Compact Size:The mini size of this Mahjong card makes it easy to carry around, perfect for travel, student dormitories, and outdoor activities.
- Portable Design:Designed for convenience, this mini Mahjong card can be easily packed in a pocket or bag, making it a great game to play on the go.
- Versatile Scenario Application:Whether you're at a friend's house, in a café, or on a trip, this mini Mahjong card is the perfect game to bring along for fun and entertainment.
- Ideal for Chess Game:This mini Mahjong card is not just a compact version of the original game, but also a great alternative for chess game enthusiasts.
- High-Quality Material:Made from durable materials, this mini Mahjong card is designed to withstand frequent use, ensuring long-lasting fun.

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