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High-end mahogany sign pen business dedicated men's and girls ball pen wood pen printed logo gift box set

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₦ 214.3241
Other Currencies
Minimum Order Quantity
¥6.66 - ¥33.88
₦ 1427.40 - ₦ 7261.30
≥2 Support
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 263k
Pen body color
813 rosewood
813 red sandalwood
813 ebony
813 black walnut
813 with pen holder rosewood
813 with pen holder red sandalwood
813 with pen holder ebony
813 with pen holder black walnut
813 Famous Wooden Copper Pieces
813 sharp wood copper parts
813 rosewood-heaven and earth lid gift box
813 red sandalwood-heaven and earth lid gift box
813 ebony-heaven and earth lid gift box
813 black walnut-heaven and earth lid gift box
813 with pen holder rosewood-heaven and earth cover gift box
813 with pen holder red sandalwood-heaven and earth cover gift box
813 with pen holder ebony-heaven and earth lid gift box
813 with pen holder black walnut-heaven and earth lid gift box
813 Famous Wood and Copper Pieces-Heaven and Earth Cover Gift Box
813 sharp wood copper-heaven and earth cover gift box
813 rosewood-simple clamshell box
813 red sandalwood-simple clamshell box
813 ebony-simple clamshell box
813 black walnut-simple clamshell box
813 with pen holder rosewood-simple flip box
813 with pen holder red sandalwood-simple clamshell box
813 with pen holder ebony-simple clamshell box
813 black walnut with pen holder-simple clamshell box
813 rosewood-flap gift box
813 red sandalwood-flip gift box
813 Ebony-Flip Gift Box
813 Black Walnut-Flip Box
813 with pen holder rosewood-flip gift box
813 with pen holder red sandalwood-flip gift box
813 with pen holder ebony-flip gift box
813 black walnut with pen holder-flip gift box
813 Famous Wooden and Copper Pieces-Flip Gift Box
813 sharp wood copper-flip gift box
813 rosewood-double core/4 ink bag * gift box set
813 red sandalwood double core/4 ink bag * gift box set
813 ebony double core/4 ink bag * gift box set
813 Black Walnut Double Core/4 Ink Sac * Gift Set
813 with pen holder rosewood double core/4 ink bag * gift box set
813 with pen holder red sandalwood double core/4 ink bag * gift box set
813 ebony double core/4 ink bag * gift box set with pen holder
813 with Pen Holder Black Walnut Double Core/4 Ink Sac * Gift Set
813 Famous Wood and Copper Double Core/4 Ink Bag * Gift Box Set
813 sharp wood copper double core/4 ink bag * gift box set
813 rosewood-bronzing gift box
813 red sandalwood-bronzing gift box
813 ebony-bronzing gift box
813 Black Walnut-Bronzing Gift Box
813 with pen holder rosewood-bronzing gift box
813 with pen holder red sandalwood-bronzing gift box
813 with pen holder ebony-bronzing gift box
813 with pen holder black walnut-bronzing gift box
813 rosewood-gold bar high-grade gift box
813 red sandalwood-gold bar high-grade gift box
813 ebony-gold bar high-end gift box
813 black walnut-gold bar high-end gift box
813 with pen holder rosewood-gold bar high-grade gift box
813 with pen holder red sandalwood-gold bar high-grade gift box
813 with pen holder ebony-gold bar high-end gift box
813 with pen holder black walnut-gold bar high-end gift box
813 Famous Wooden Copper Pieces-Gold Bart High-grade Gift Box
813 sharp wood copper-gold bar high-grade gift box
813 rosewood-ribbon pen gift box set
813 red sandalwood-ribbon pen gift box set
813 ebony-ribbon pen gift box set
813 black walnut-ribbon pen gift set
813 with pen holder rosewood-ribbon pen gift box set
813 with pen holder red sandalwood-ribbon pen gift box set
813 with pen holder ebony-ribbon pen gift box set
813 black walnut with pen holder-ribbon pen gift box set
813 Famous Wooden Copper Piece-Ribbon Pen Gift Box Set
813 sharp wood copper-ribbon pen gift box set
813 rosewood-notebook gift set
813 red sandalwood-notebook gift box set
813 ebony-notebook gift box set
813 black walnut-notebook gift set
813 with pen holder rosewood-notebook gift box set
813 with pen clip red sandalwood-notebook gift box set
813 with pen holder ebony-notebook gift box set
813 black walnut with pen holder-notebook gift box set
813 Famous Wooden Copper Pieces-Notebook Gift Box Set
813 sharp wood copper-notebook gift box set
813 rosewood-wooden box base
813 red sandalwood-wooden box base
813 ebony-wooden box base
813 black walnut-wooden box base
813 with pen holder rosewood-wooden box base
813 with pen holder red sandalwood-wooden box base
813 with pen holder ebony-wooden box base
813 with pen holder black walnut-wooden box base
Baozhu pen/signature pen 0.5mm
₦ 1427.40
100062353 In Stock
Pen tip 0.5mm
₦ 1474.55
999848 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Support
¥0(₦ 0.00)

Product Details

nib material:
Baozhu pen/signature pen 0.5mm,Pen tip 0.5mm
813 red sandalwood-ball pen
Item No.:
Printed LOGO:
ink supply system:
Pull-out type
Shell material:
Brass, Wood
Trade Attributes:
domestic trade
Whether to import:
Gift Purpose:
Points for Gifts,Business Gifts,Advertising Gifts,Promotional Gifts,Meeting Gifts,Welfare gifts,Festival Gifts,Commemoration,PR Gifts
Packing method:
OPP bag naked, gift box packaging
Processing customization:
Pen body color:
813 rosewood,813 red sandalwood,813 ebony,813 black walnut,813 with pen holder rosewood,813 with pen holder red sandalwood,813 with pen holder ebony,813 with pen holder black walnut,813 Famous Wooden Copper Pieces,813 sharp wood copper parts,813 rosewood-heaven and earth lid gift box,813 red sandalwood-heaven and earth lid gift box,813 ebony-heaven and earth lid gift box,813 Black Walnut-Heaven and Earth Cover Gift Box,813 with pen holder rosewood-heaven and earth cover gift box,813 with pen holder red sandalwood-heaven and earth cover gift box,813 with pen holder ebony-heaven and earth lid gift box,813 with pen holder black walnut-heaven and earth lid gift box,813 Famous Wood and Copper Pieces-Heaven and Earth Cover Gift Box,813 sharp wood copper-heaven and earth cover gift box,813 rosewood-simple clamshell box,813 red sandalwood-simple clamshell box,813 ebony-simple clamshell box,813 black walnut-simple clamshell box,813 with pen holder rosewood-simple flip box,813 with pen holder red sandalwood-simple clamshell box,813 with pen holder ebony-simple clamshell box,813 black walnut with pen holder-simple clamshell box,813 Rosewood-Flip Gift Box,813 red sandalwood-flip gift box,813 Ebony-Flip Gift Box,813 Black Walnut-Flip Box,813 with pen holder rosewood-flip gift box,813 with pen holder red sandalwood-flip gift box,813 with pen holder ebony-flip gift box,813 black walnut with pen holder-flip gift box,813 Famous Wooden and Copper Pieces-Flip Gift Box,813 sharp wood copper-flip gift box,813 rosewood-double core/4 ink bag * gift box set,813 red sandalwood double core/4 ink bag * gift box set,813 ebony double core/4 ink bag * gift box set,813 Black Walnut Double Core/4 Ink Sac * Gift Set,813 with pen holder rosewood double core/4 ink bag * gift box set,813 with pen holder red sandalwood double core/4 ink bag * gift box set,813 with pen holder ebony double core/4 ink bag * gift box set,813 with Pen Holder Black Walnut Double Core/4 Ink Sac * Gift Set,813 Famous Wood and Copper Double Core/4 Ink Bag * Gift Box Set,813 sharp wood copper double core/4 ink bag * gift box set,813 rosewood-bronzing gift box,813 red sandalwood-bronzing gift box,813 ebony-bronzing gift box,813 Black Walnut-Bronzing Gift Box,813 with pen holder rosewood-bronzing gift box,813 with pen holder red sandalwood-bronzing gift box,813 with pen holder ebony-bronzing gift box,813 with pen holder black walnut-bronzing gift box,813 rosewood-gold bar high-grade gift box,813 red sandalwood-gold bar high-grade gift box,813 ebony-gold bar high-end gift box,813 black walnut-gold bar high-end gift box,813 with pen holder rosewood-gold bar high-grade gift box,813 with pen holder red sandalwood-gold bar high-grade gift box,813 with pen holder ebony-gold bar high-end gift box,813 with pen holder black walnut-gold bar high-end gift box,813 Famous Wooden Copper Pieces-Gold Bart High-grade Gift Box,813 sharp wood copper-gold bar high-grade gift box,813 rosewood-ribbon pen gift box set,813 red sandalwood-ribbon pen gift box set,813 ebony-ribbon pen gift box set,813 black walnut-ribbon pen gift set,813 with pen holder rosewood-ribbon pen gift box set,813 with pen holder red sandalwood-ribbon pen gift box set,813 with pen holder ebony-ribbon pen gift box set,813 black walnut with pen holder-ribbon pen gift box set,813 Famous Wooden Copper Piece-Ribbon Pen Gift Box Set,813 sharp wood copper-ribbon pen gift box set,813 rosewood-notebook gift set,813 red sandalwood-notebook gift box set,813 ebony-notebook gift box set,813 black walnut-notebook gift set,813 with pen holder rosewood-notebook gift box set,813 with pen clip red sandalwood-notebook gift box set,813 with pen holder ebony-notebook gift box set,813 black walnut with pen holder-notebook gift box set,813 Famous Wooden Copper Pieces-Notebook Gift Box Set,813 sharp wood copper-notebook gift box set,813 rosewood-wooden box base,813 red sandalwood-wooden box base,813 ebony-wooden box base,813 black walnut-wooden box base,813 with pen holder rosewood-wooden box base,813 with pen holder red sandalwood-wooden box base,813 with pen holder ebony-wooden box base,813 black walnut with pen holder-wooden box base
Whether the source of cross-border export is exclusive:
Main downstream platform:
ebay,Amazon,wish,AliExpress,Independent Station,LAZADA
Main sales area:
Africa,Europe,South America,Southeast Asia,North America,Northeast Asia,Middle East
Licensable private label:
Whether it is a gift:
Yes, business gifts

Discover gift box set,Pen box set,Pen body set,Pen body color Shoes - box set,Pen body

Discover Gift box set,Pen Shoes

Stylish and Comfortable Gift box set,Pen

Perfect for Gift box set,Pen Look










答:您好,我公司起订数量一般是100支,如果您只是需要笔而不需要加 印logo,有些现货款式2支也可以为您供货,具体需求请和我们客服联系沟通。
答:您好,logo做法分为激光雕刻、丝网印刷、热转印、滚印、钢印等。激光不需要制版,时间短,对数量要求不高;丝网印刷需要出片、制版、调油墨,所以时间长,要求数量多才好; 1、激光雕刻1-1000支收取费用100元/批次,logo颜色为笔杆材质的颜色,一般笔杆材质是钢质的,所以logo激光出来是银色,少部分笔杆材质是铜的,logo激光出来是铜的黄色。 2、一色logo丝网印刷一千支以内收取200元/色(100元制版费,100元上机印刷费),超过一千支的按0.10元/支。如果2色或者2色以上logo印刷费用,按一色计算方法费用相应翻倍收取。
答:您好,激光雕刻logo出样,时间一般3-5天,费用100元,下单不退; 一色logo印刷出样时间一般7-10天,费用200元,下单不再收取制版费;但是,100元上机印刷费,和超过一千支的另加0.10元/支的印刷费还是需要收取的。 如果logo是多色印刷,费用翻倍,时间相应延长,具体时间请和我们客服联系沟通。