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Flower-turning paper 80 s nostalgic toys folk art variety Flower-turning paper classic traditional handmade hand-turning flower

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₦ 216.0737
Minimum Order Quantity
₦ 324.11 - ₦ 4727.69
¥1.5 - ¥21.88
≥1 Sleeve
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 4.3k
5 pieces of small size paper flowers (2 random)
₦ 1728.59
49102 In Stock
4 large paper flowers (2 random)
₦ 1642.16
48221 In Stock
1 flower turning rope +1 small paper flower turning +1 large paper flower turning (2 random)
₦ 853.49
49930 In Stock
Small size paper flower turning 1 + large paper flower turning 1 (2 random)
₦ 756.26
49265 In Stock
One large flower (2 random)
₦ 410.54
48012 In Stock
Small size flower turning 1 (2 random)
₦ 345.72
40691 In Stock
diy pink Changchun Dragon 1 pack
₦ 324.11
99139 In Stock
diy red Cang Minglong 1 pack
₦ 324.11
99199 In Stock
diy red red Linglong 1 pack
₦ 324.11
99177 In Stock
diy blue mustard Dragon 1 pack
₦ 324.11
99205 In Stock
diy cyan flat Blue Dragon 1 pack
₦ 324.11
99823 In Stock
diy yellow Luoshen Dragon 1 pack
₦ 324.11
99229 In Stock
diy dragon dance material package mixed 6 packs (1 each)
₦ 1944.66
99788 In Stock
Small color dragon [length 80cm] finished product
₦ 993.94
1132 In Stock
Hot color dragon [1.5 m in length] finished product
₦ 3647.32
1107 In Stock
Hot color dragon [length 3 m] finished product
₦ 4727.69
99994 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Sleeve

Product Details

Craft paper
Chinese style
Item number:
Other paper crafts
Small paper flower 5-pack (2 random styles),Large paper turning flowers 4 pack (2 random styles),1 flower rope + 1 small paper flower + 1 large paper flower (2 random styles),1 small paper flower + 1 large paper flower (2 random styles),1 large flower (2 random styles),1 small size turned flower (2 random styles),Diy pink changchunlong 1 pack,Diy red vicissitudes of meditation dragon 1 pack,Diy red red medial dragon 1 pack,Diy blue mustard blue dragon 1 pack,Diy cyan flat blue dragon 1 pack,Diy yellow roselle 1 pack,Diy dragon dance material pack mixed pack of 6 (1 piece per style),Xiaocailong [length 80cm ] finished product,Popular colorful dragon [length 1.5m ] finished product,Popular colorful dragon [length 3m ] finished product
Applicable gift giving relationship:
Suitable for festivals:
Christmas,Spring festival,New year's day,Children's day
Suitable for gift giving occasions:
Travel commemoration,Graduation,Party
Gift use:
Points exchange gifts,Promotional gifts,Welfare gifts,Festival gifts,Commemoration
Material type:
Is it a patented supply?:
Is it a gift?:
Yes, personal gifts
Is it ip authorized?:

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