shantou weilai toy factory
Christmas Apple Storage Box Children's Fruit Chicing Simulation Play-house Toys Fruits and Vegetables Peelable Durian Fruits
Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₦ 214.3241
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Minimum Order Quantity
¥3.9 - ¥52.8
₦ 835.86 - ₦ 11316.31
≥1 piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 346k
Apple storage bucket (single)
₦ 835.86
99983 In Stock
23-piece fruit and vegetable set [can be peeled or cut] - free christmas apple bucket
₦ 3814.97
99974 In Stock
31-piece picnic set [can be peeled or cut] - free christmas apple bucket
₦ 5315.24
99975 In Stock
Jiayu 38-piece set [can be peeled or cut] comes with a christmas apple bucket
₦ 6386.86
99986 In Stock
Deluxe version 40-piece set [including large durian/pizza] comes with a christmas apple bucket
₦ 8315.78
99831 In Stock
23-piece fruit and vegetable set + 21 pieces in the kitchen - free christmas apple bucket
₦ 5743.89
99995 In Stock
31-piece picnic set + 21 pieces in the kitchen - free christmas apple bucket
₦ 7244.15
99995 In Stock
38-piece delicious food set + 44 pieces in the kitchen - free christmas apple bucket
₦ 9173.07
99988 In Stock
Luxurious 40-piece set + 44 pieces in the kitchen - free christmas apple bucket
₦ 11316.31
99942 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0piece
¥0(₦ 0.00)
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¥89.00₦ 19074.84
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Repeat Purchase Rate 8%
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¥79.00₦ 16931.60
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Repeat Purchase Rate 14%
¥69.00₦ 14788.36
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¥65.00₦ 13931.07
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¥65.00₦ 13931.07
Total Sales 13
Repeat Purchase Rate 0%
Product Details
Guangdong province
Item number:
Applicable age:
Children (3-6 years old)
Apple storage bucket (single),23-piece fruit and vegetable set [can be peeled or cut] - free christmas apple bucket,31-piece picnic set [can be peeled or cut] - free christmas apple bucket,Jiayu 38-piece set [can be peeled or cut] comes with a christmas apple bucket,Deluxe version 40-piece set [including large durian/pizza] comes with a christmas apple bucket,23-piece fruit and vegetable set + 21 pieces in the kitchen - free christmas apple bucket,31-piece picnic set + 21 pieces in the kitchen - free christmas apple bucket,38-piece delicious food set + 44 pieces in the kitchen - free christmas apple bucket,Luxurious 40-piece set + 44 pieces in the kitchen - free christmas apple bucket
Applicable people:
No limit
Time on the market:
Is it imported?:
E-commerce box
Toy material:
Product 3c certification code:
Ability cultivation:
Emotional,Visual,Intellectual development,Crawling,Use your hands and brain,Grasping,Sensory,Hand-eye coordination,Other ability development,Interactive toys,Hearing,Parent-child communication,Interest cultivation
Country/region of origin:
3c configuration category:
Plastic toys under 14 years old
Main downstream platform:
ebay,Amazon,wish,Aliexpress,Independent station,LAZADA,Other
Main sales areas:
African,Europe,South america,Southeast asia,North america,Northeast asia,Middle east,Other
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Perfect for America,Main sales areas Look
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