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shower mat large area plastic pvc carpet outdoor bathroom hollow waterproof mesh s kitchen outdoor floor mat

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₦ 220.4345
Minimum Order Quantity
₦ 1900.15 - ₦ 34824.24
¥8.62 - ¥157.98
≥1 Piece
❤️20 years manufacturer, first-hand supply, quality assurance❤️
❤️Collection + add to purchase! arrangements will be arranged on the same day❤️
❤️Security materials, damage compensation guaranteed, worry-free after-sales service❤️
❤️Extremely non-slip, comprehensive protection of security, invoicing included❤️
Red [4.5mm thick ordinary style]
Red [5.5mm thick and thickened version]
Red [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Patented - red and gray for both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Gray [4.5mm thick ordinary style]
Gray [5.5mm thick and thickened]
Gray [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Blue [4.5mm thick ordinary style]
Blue [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Blue [5.5mm thick and thickened version]
Green [4.5mm thick ordinary style]
Green [5.5mm thick and thickened version]
Green [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Patented - goose yellow crescent white for both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Patent-aima orange bright yellow reversible [5.0mm encrypted and thickened]
Patented - light gray khaki for both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Patented - red and purple can be used on both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Patent - black powder for both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
0.9m * 0.6m [loss loss volume]
₦ 18573.81
497 In Stock
0.9m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row]
₦ 18573.81
500 In Stock
1.2m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row]
₦ 18573.81
500 In Stock
1.6m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row]
₦ 18573.81
500 In Stock
1.8m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row]
₦ 18573.81
500 In Stock
2m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row]
₦ 18573.81
500 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Piece

Product Details

Modern and minimalist
0.9m * 0.6m [loss loss volume],0.9m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row],1.2m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row],1.6m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row],1.8m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row],2m width* 1m length [full sheet in a row]
Item number:
Anti-slip mat 001
Chastity love
Solid color
❤️20 years manufacturer, first-hand supply, quality assurance❤️,❤️Collection + add to purchase! arrangements will be arranged on the same day❤️,❤️Security materials, damage compensation guaranteed, worry-free after-sales service❤️,❤️Extremely non-slip, comprehensive protection of security, invoicing included❤️,Red [4.5mm thick ordinary style],Red [5.5mm thick and thickened version],Red [5.0mm encryption and thickening],Patented - red and gray for both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening],Gray [4.5mm thick ordinary style],Gray [5.5mm thick and thickened],Gray [5.0mm encryption and thickening],Blue [4.5mm thick ordinary style],Blue [5.0mm encryption and thickening],Blue [5.5mm thick and thickened version],Green [4.5mm thick ordinary style],Green [5.5mm thick and thickened version],Green [5.0mm encryption and thickening],Patented - goose yellow crescent white for both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening],Patent-aima orange bright yellow reversible [5.0mm encrypted and thickened],Patented - light gray khaki for both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening],Patented - red and purple can be used on both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening],Patent - black powder for both sides [5.0mm encryption and thickening]
Cleaning type:
Processing and customization:
Is there copyright or patent?:

Discover outdoor floor mat,Brand thick ordinary style encryption and thickening Shoes - thick ordinary style

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Stylish and Comfortable Outdoor floor mat,Brand

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