Yellow Pineapple Bear-Doll bouquet (finished),Pink Sanrio-Doll bouquet (finished),Purple Star Dailou-Doll bouquet (finished),Green Dinosaur-Doll bouquet (finished product),Blue Sanrio-Doll bouquet (finished),Lina Belle-Doll bouquet (finished product),Blue Stix-Doll bouquet (finished),White rabbit fruit-doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag),Blue Rabbit Fruit-Doll bouquet (finished product, without bag),Pink Rabbit Fruit-Doll bouquet (finished product, without bag),Purple Rabbit Fruit-Doll bouquet (finished product, without bag),White violent bear-doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag),Blue violent bear-doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag),White Strawberry Bear-Doll bouquet (finished product, without bag),Pink Strawberry Bear-Doll bouquet (finished, without bag),Pink Eggs-Doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag),Purple Pink Fruit-Doll bouquet (finished product, without handbag),White Kouromi-Doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag),Purple Cunomi-Doll bouquet (finished product, without handbag),White stilley-doll bouquet (finished, without bag),Pink Stix-Doll bouquet 2 (finished, without bag),Blue Stix-Doll bouquet 2 (finished, without bag),Purple Stix-Doll bouquet 2 (finished, without bag)
Specifications and models:
White rabbit fruit-doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag) * pictured,Blue Rabbit Fruit-Doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag) * Figure,Pink rabbit fruit-doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag) * pictured,Purple Rabbit Fruit-Doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag) * Figure,White violent bear-doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag) * pictured,Blue Violence Bear-Doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag) * Figure,White Strawberry Bear-Doll bouquet (finished product, without tote bag) * Figure,Pink Eggs-Doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag) * Figure,Purple Pink Fruit-Doll bouquet (finished product, excluding handbag) * Figure,WHITE KOLOM-Doll bouquet (Finished product, without tote bag) * Figure,Purple Cunomi-Doll bouquet (finished product, excluding tote bag) * Figure,White stilts-doll bouquet (finished, excluding tote bag) * pictured,Pink Stix-Doll bouquet 2 (finished, excluding handbag) * pictured,Blue stilts-doll bouquet 2 (finished, excluding tote bag) * pictured,Purple Stix-Doll bouquet 2 (finished, excluding handbag) * Figure,Pink Sanrio-Doll bouquet (finished) * pictured,Blue Sanrio-Doll bouquet (finished product) * Figure,Blue Stix-Doll bouquet (finished) * Figure,Green Dinosaur-Doll bouquet (finished) * Figure,Pineapple Bear-Doll bouquet (finished) * Figure
Item No.:
Finished doll bouquet
Packing level:
Sales packaging/terminal packaging
Special packaging:
Gift Packaging
Country/Region of Origin:
Whether the source of cross-border export is exclusive:
Main downstream platform:
ebay,Amazon,wish,AliExpress,Independent Station,LAZADA
Main sales area:
China,Africa,Europe,South America,Southeast Asia,North America,Northeast Asia,Middle East,Latin America
Licensable private label: