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High-grade Forbidden City Wenchuang Tea Gift Box suit Small Gifts Moved to Retire Birthday Gifts Company Business Accompanying Gifts

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = NZ$ 0.2448
Minimum Order Quantity
NZ$ 4.77 - NZ$ 16.11
¥19.5 - ¥65.8
≥1 Sleeve
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 126k
Painting mountain 10-piece set (oval bag) 4 colors
NZ$ 11.21
65295 In Stock
Painting Mountain 10-piece set (oval bag) solid color
NZ$ 11.21
65632 In Stock
Painting Mountain 6-piece set (small brown bag) 3 colors
NZ$ 8.76
65652 In Stock
Paanshan 6-piece set (small brown bag) solid color
NZ$ 8.76
65652 In Stock
Painting Mountain 5-piece set (grey cotton bag) 3 colors
NZ$ 4.77
65652 In Stock
Painting Mountain 5-piece set (grey cotton bag) solid color
NZ$ 4.77
65539 In Stock
Painting Mountain 5-piece set (basket bag) 3 colors
NZ$ 6.32
65652 In Stock
Painting Mountain 5-piece set (basket bag) solid color
NZ$ 6.32
65652 In Stock
Painting mountain 5-piece set (simple box) 3 colors
NZ$ 5.83
65652 In Stock
Painting Mountain 5-piece set (simple box) solid color
NZ$ 5.83
65652 In Stock
Paanshan 7-piece set (drawer box) 4 colors
NZ$ 8.03
65628 In Stock
Paanshan 7-piece set (drawer box) solid color
NZ$ 8.03
65652 In Stock
Paanshan 12-piece set (portable box) solid color
NZ$ 16.11
65641 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Sleeve

Product Details

Chinese style
Item number:
Thousand miles of rivers
Business gift set
Nian tao
Painting mountain 10-piece set (oval bag) 4 colors,Painting mountain 10-piece set (oval bag) solid color,Painting mountain 6-piece set (small brown bag) 3 colors,Painting mountain 6-piece set (small brown bag) solid color,Painting mountain 5-piece set (gray cotton bag) 3 colors,Painting mountain 5-piece set (gray cotton bag) solid color,Painting mountain 5-piece set (basket bag) 3 colors,Painting mountain 5-piece set (basket bag) solid color,Painting mountain 5-piece set (simple box) 3 colors,Painting mountain 5-piece set (simple box) solid color,Painting mountain 7-piece set (drawer box) 4 colors,Painting mountain 7-piece set (drawer box) solid color,Paushan 12-piece set (portable box) solid color
Applicable gift giving relationship:
Colleague,Friend,Elderly,Classmates,The finer,Other
Suitable for festivals:
Universal,Spring festival,Father's day,Teacher's day,New year's day,National day,Other
Suitable for gift giving occasions:
Birthday,Travel commemoration,Graduation,Housewarming,Party,Questioning and masturbation,Other
Gift use:
Business gifts,Advertising gifts,Promotional gifts,Conference gifts,Welfare gifts,Festival gifts,Commemoration,Public relations gifts
Is it a patented supply?:
There are authorizable private brands:
Is it a gift?:
Yes, business gifts
Is it ip authorized?:

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