yiwu dongyu stationery co., ltd.
Dongmi 900 Silver Armor Guard Press Gel Pen Hard Core Large Capacity Black Pen Student Brush Pen st Needle Head
Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₱ 8.1160
Minimum Order Quantity
₱ 6.90 - ₱ 18.67
¥0.85 - ¥2.3
≥24 Support
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 5.7k
0Refill Color
DM900 rack [please press multiples of 108]]
₱ 18.67
5488 In Stock
DM900 Black Samurai [please press multiples of 12]]
₱ 18.67
4384 In Stock
DM900 transparent black [please press multiples of 12]]
₱ 18.67
4792 In Stock
DM900 Red [please press multiples of 12]]
₱ 18.67
5084 In Stock
DM900 Blue [please press multiples of 12]]
₱ 18.67
6320 In Stock
DM900 ink blue [please press multiples of 12]]
₱ 18.67
7276 In Stock
DM001 black [non-original can be replaced, please press the multiples of 12]]
₱ 6.90
5022 In Stock
DM001 red [non-original can be replaced, please press the multiples of 12]]
₱ 6.90
7002 In Stock
DM001 blue [non-original can be replaced, please press the multiples of 12]]
₱ 6.90
3522 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Support
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Product Details
nib material:
Refill Color:
DM900 rack [please press multiples of 108]],DM900 Black Samurai [please press multiples of 12]],DM900 transparent black [please press multiples of 12]],DM900 red [please press multiples of 12]],DM900 blue [please press multiples of 12]],DM900 dark blue [please press multiples of 12]],DM001 black [non-original replaceable, please press multiples of 12]],DM001 red [non-original can be replaced, please press the multiples of 12]],DM001 blue [non-original can be replaced, please press the multiples of 12]]
Item No.:
Shell material:
Silver Armor Guard
Whether it can be wiped:
Discover Hard Core Large Core Large Capacity Armor Guard Press Shoes - Core Large Capacity
Discover Hard Core Large Shoes
Stylish and Comfortable Hard Core Large
Perfect for Hard Core Large Look
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