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Large Capacity Thermos 316 Stainless Steel Kettle Men's Car Travel Thermos Cavs Driver Thermos Household 4L
Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₱ 8.0944
Minimum Order Quantity
₱ 293.83 - ₱ 814.30
¥36.3 - ¥100.6
≥1 Piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 18k

₱ 293.83
193 In Stock

₱ 344.82
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₱ 344.82
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₱ 395.82
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₱ 395.82
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₱ 446.81
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₱ 446.81
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₱ 497.81
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₱ 497.81
198 In Stock

₱ 630.55
200 In Stock

₱ 630.55
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₱ 733.35
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₱ 733.35
199 In Stock

₱ 375.58
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₱ 426.57
199 In Stock

₱ 426.57
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₱ 477.57
200 In Stock

₱ 477.57
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₱ 528.56
200 In Stock

₱ 528.56
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₱ 579.56
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₱ 579.56
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₱ 712.31
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₱ 712.31
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₱ 814.30
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₱ 814.30
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Total Sales 4
Repeat Purchase Rate 33%
Product Details
316 stainless steel
Product category:
Thermos bottle
Chinese style
Item number:
[upgraded 316 steel] 1000ml black, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 1200ml black, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 1200ml original color, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 1600ml black, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 1600ml original color, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 2000ml black, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 2000ml original color, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 2500ml black, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 2500ml original color, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 3000ml black, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 3000ml original color, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 4000ml black, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[upgraded 316 steel] 4000ml original color, free strap/water bowl/cup brush,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 1000ml black comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 1200ml black comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 1200ml true color comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 1600ml black comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 1600ml true color comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 2000ml black comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 2000ml true color comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 2500ml black comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 2500ml true color comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 3000ml black comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 3000ml true color comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 4000ml black comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup,[+ pot cover] [upgraded 316 steel] 4000ml true color comes with strap/water bowl/cush cup
Is it imported?:
Thermal insulation performance:
0-6 hours
Product launch time:
Packaging specifications:
Is there a patent?:
National industrial production license number:
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Perfect for Car Travel Thermos Look

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