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spring and autumn ceramics

Jingdezhen Ceramic Empty Wine Bottle 1 Jin 2 Jin 3 Jin 5 Jin Household Wine Jar Sealed Wine Pot Ornaments

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₱ 8.0845
Minimum Order Quantity
₱ 129.35 - ₱ 743.77
¥16 - ¥92
≥2 piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 31k
0.5kg everything goes well in single bottle
₱ 129.35
1227 In Stock
1.0kg everything goes well in single bottle
₱ 194.03
1216 In Stock
1.5kg everything goes well in single bottle
₱ 242.53
1213 In Stock
2.5kg everything goes well in single bottle
₱ 323.38
1208 In Stock
0.5kg everything goes well with a box (4 pieces)
₱ 743.77
1200 In Stock
1.0kg everything goes well with a box (2 pieces)
₱ 711.44
1202 In Stock
1.5kg everything goes well with a box (1 piece)
₱ 517.41
1206 In Stock
2.5kg everything goes well with a box (1 piece)
₱ 630.59
1207 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0piece

Product Details

Applicable objects:
0.5kg everything goes well in single bottle,1.0kg everything goes well in single bottle,1.5kg everything goes well in single bottle,2.5kg everything goes well in single bottle,0.5kg everything goes well with a box (4 pieces),1.0kg everything goes well with a box (2 pieces),1.5kg everything goes well with a box (1 piece),2.5kg everything goes well with a box (1 piece)
Is it imported?:
Style type:
Simple style
Is there a patent?:

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