green bear co., ltd.
Cardboard black and white color cardboard 200g large 8 open art painting paper color 8K student sea newspaper color cardboard
Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = ₱ 8.1160
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Sales in the Last 90 Days: 4.4k

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Product Details
Product category:
Other art supplies
Item number:
Green bear paper
8k [black] one piece,8k [white] one piece,8k [red] one piece,8k [emerald green] one piece,8k [lemon yellow] one piece,8k [pink] one piece,8k [light blue] one piece,8k [dark purple] one piece,8k [bright yellow] one piece,8k [medium yellow] one piece,8k [golden yellow] one piece,8k [lake blue] one piece,8k [rose red] one piece,8k [royal blue] one piece,8k [beige] one piece,8k [grey] one piece,8k [dark blue] one piece,8k [light green] one piece,8k [turquoise] one piece,8k [orange] one piece,8k [grass green] one piece,8k [brown] one piece,8k [dark green] one piece,8k [gold red] one piece,8k [light purple] one piece,8k [water red] one piece,8k [jade color] one piece
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因显示器灯光和拍照角度问题 图片和实物可能存在些微色差 具体颜色以收到的实物为准哦

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