wenzhou dinghui printing industry
Fried string bag tin foil packaging bag insulation oil-proof paper bag custom takeaway snacks barbecue packaging tin foil bag
Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = £ 0.1131
Other Currencies
Minimum Order Quantity
¥0.15 - ¥0.28
£ 0.02 - £ 0.03
≥100 piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 603.0k
Specifications and models
12*22 4cm kraft color small size (limited to 1 piece, no more shots); Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
561845 In Stock
16*26 4cm brown medium; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
1911703 In Stock
16*30*4cm kraft color large; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2075681 In Stock
19*30 5cm kraft color extra large; paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2020581 In Stock
12*22 4cm yellow; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2121311 In Stock
16*26 4cm yellow; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2031861 In Stock
16*30*4cm yellow; paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2133811 In Stock
19*30 5cm yellow; paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2135761 In Stock
12*22 4cm white; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2045911 In Stock
16*26 4cm white; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2047511 In Stock
16*30*4cm white; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2082661 In Stock
19*30 5cm white; paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2117461 In Stock
12*22 4cm food please stay small size; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2097161 In Stock
Please keep the medium size for 16*26 4cm food. Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2081446 In Stock
Please keep the large size for 16*30*4cm food. Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2106911 In Stock
Please keep the extra large size for 19*30 5cm food. Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2111461 In Stock
12*22 4cm green; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2125211 In Stock
16*26 4cm green; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2126611 In Stock
12*22 4cm red; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2119311 In Stock
16*26 4cm red; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2102156 In Stock
12*22 4cm greedy words; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2135511 In Stock
16*26 4cm greedy words; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2120831 In Stock
16*30*4cm greedy words; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2133861 In Stock
19*30 5cm chan word; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2114811 In Stock
12*22 4cm Journey to the West small size; paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2132111 In Stock
16*26 4cm Journey to the West Medium; Paper/Cardboard
£ 0.02
2133581 In Stock
16*30*4cm journey to the west large; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2129911 In Stock
19*30 5cm Journey to the West Extra Large; Paper/Cardboard
£ 0.03
2130302 In Stock
12*22 4cm Three Kingdoms small size; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
95470 In Stock
16*26 4cm Three Kingdoms Medium; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2129131 In Stock
16*30 4cm three large; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2130911 In Stock
19*30 5cm Three Kingdoms Extra Large; Paper/Cardboard
£ 0.03
2128810 In Stock
22*12 4cm rolled up about small size; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2133081 In Stock
26*16 4 roll string about medium size; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2115389 In Stock
30*16 4 roll string about large; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2118281 In Stock
30*19 5 rolled up about extra large; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2115242 In Stock
26*16 4cm rolled and strung medium; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2113891 In Stock
26*16 4cm barbecue lie prone medium; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.02
2071109 In Stock
30*16 4cm rolled up large; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2130355 In Stock
30*16 4cm barbecue lie prone large; Paper/cardboard
£ 0.03
2078742 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0piece
¥0(£ 0.00)
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¥0.52£ 0.06
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Product Details
12*22 4cm yellow,16*26 4cm yellow,12*22 4cm white,16*26 4cm white,16*26 4cm red,16*26 4cm green,12*22 4cm green,12*22 4cm red,16*30*4cm yellow,16*30*4cm white,19*30 5cm white,19*30 5cm yellow,12*22 4cm food please stay small size,16*26 4cm food please keep the medium,19*30 5cm Journey to the West Extra Large,16*26 4cm Journey to the West Medium,12*22 4cm Journey to the West small size,12*22 4cm Three Kingdoms small size,16*26 4cm Three Kingdoms Medium,16*30 4cm three large,19*30 5cm food please stay extra large,16*26 4cm greedy word,12*22 4cm greedy word,19*30 5cm Three Kingdoms Extra Large,16*30*4cm greedy word,16*30*4cm food please stay large,16*30*4cm journey to the west large,19*30 5cm greedy word,22*12 4cm rolled up about small size,30*19 5 rolled up about extra large,30*16 4 Lu string about large size,26*16 4 rolled up about medium,30*16 4cm rolled up a large size,26*16 4cm barbecue lie prone medium,26*16 4cm rolled up medium,30*16 4cm barbecue lie large,12*22 4cm bullish,16*30*4cm large leather color,16*26 4cm cowhide medium,19*30 5cm cowhide color extra large,12*22 4cm cowhide small size (limited to 1 piece, no more shots)
Wenzhou, Zhejiang
UV printing
Specifications and models:
12*22 4cm kraft color small size (limited to 1 piece, no more shots); Paper/cardboard,16*26 4cm brown medium; paper/cardboard,16*30*4cm kraft color large; Paper/cardboard,19*30 5cm kraft color extra large; paper/cardboard,12*22 4cm yellow; paper/cardboard,16*26 4cm yellow; paper/cardboard,16*30*4cm yellow; paper/cardboard,19*30 5cm yellow; paper/cardboard,12*22 4cm white; paper/cardboard,16*26 4cm white; paper/cardboard,16*30*4cm white; paper/cardboard,19*30 5cm white; paper/cardboard,12*22 4cm food please stay small size; Paper/cardboard,Please keep the medium size for 16*26 4cm food. Paper/cardboard,Please keep the large size for 16*30*4cm food. Paper/cardboard,Please keep the extra large size for 19*30 5cm food. Paper/cardboard,12*22 4cm green; paper/cardboard,16*26 4cm green; paper/cardboard,12*22 4cm red; paper/cardboard,16*26 4cm red; paper/cardboard,12*22 4cm chan word; Paper/cardboard,16*26 4cm chan word; Paper/cardboard,16*30*4cm greedy words; Paper/cardboard,19*30 5cm chan word; Paper/cardboard,12*22 4cm Journey to the West small size; paper/cardboard,16*26 4cm Journey to the West Medium; Paper/Cardboard,16*30*4cm journey to the west large; Paper/cardboard,19*30 5cm Journey to the West Extra Large; Paper/Cardboard,12*22 4cm Three Kingdoms small size; Paper/cardboard,16*26 4cm Three Kingdoms medium; Paper/cardboard,16*30 4cm three large; Paper/cardboard,19*30 5cm Three Kingdoms Extra Large; Paper/Cardboard,22*12 4cm rolled up about small size; Paper/cardboard,26*16 4 roll string about medium size; Paper/cardboard,30*16 4 roll string about large; Paper/cardboard,30*19 5 rolled up about extra large; Paper/cardboard,26*16 4cm rolled and strung medium; Paper/cardboard,26*16 4cm barbecue lie prone medium; Paper/cardboard,30*16 4cm rolled up large; Paper/cardboard,30*16 4cm barbecue lie prone large; Paper/cardboard
Item No.:
BBQ aluminum foil bag
Whether to import:
Packing level:
Sales Packaging
Packaging type:
Tin Paper
National Industrial Production License No.:
Zhejiang XK16-205-00768
Whether the source of cross-border export is exclusive:
Main downstream platform:
Food Packaging
Main sales area:
Southeast Asia
Discover cardboard,Specifications models Yes,National Industrial Production Shoes - models
Discover Cardboard,Specifications Shoes
Stylish and Comfortable Cardboard,Specifications
Perfect for Cardboard,Specifications Look
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