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Cross-border hot DIY sushi Ware push music rice ball mold sushi making gadget striped sushi bazooka

Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = $ 0.1400
Minimum Order Quantity
$ 0.69 - $ 0.85
¥4.9 - ¥6.1
≥2 piece
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 2.4k
Striped tube black red [open window color box]]
$ 0.69
996711 In Stock
Striped tube Black [open window color box]]
$ 0.69
997447 In Stock
Striped tube Red [open window color box]]
$ 0.69
997341 In Stock
Striped tube White [open window color box]]
$ 0.69
996935 In Stock
Striped tube Gray [open window color box]]
$ 0.69
999302 In Stock
Striped tube yellow [open window color box]]
$ 0.69
998893 In Stock
Striped barrel orange [window color box]]
$ 0.69
999803 In Stock
Striped tube dark blue [open window color box]]
$ 0.69
999452 In Stock
Striped tube dark green [open window color box]]
$ 0.69
999917 In Stock
Striped white tube + white roller shutter + window color box
$ 0.85
998366 In Stock
Striped black tube + white roller shutter + window color box
$ 0.85
998703 In Stock
Striped red tube + white roller shutter + window color box
$ 0.85
999540 In Stock
Striped gray tube + white roller shutter + window color box
$ 0.85
999148 In Stock
Striped dark blue tube + white roller shutter + window color box
$ 0.85
996358 In Stock
Striped dark green tube + white roller shutter + window color box
$ 0.85
999576 In Stock
Striped yellow tube + white roller shutter + window color box
$ 0.85
999760 In Stock
Striped orange tube + white roller shutter + window color box
$ 0.85
999838 In Stock
Striped black red tube white roller shutter window color box
$ 0.85
997615 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0piece

Product Details

Product Category:
DIY Mold
Modern simplicity
Striped tube Black [open window color box]],Striped tube Red [open window color box]],Striped tube White [open window color box]],Striped tube Gray [open window color box]],Striped tube yellow [open window color box]],Striped barrel orange [window color box]],Striped tube dark blue [open window color box]],Striped tube dark green [open window color box]],Striped white tube + white roller shutter + window color box,Striped black tube + white roller shutter + window color box,Striped red tube + white roller shutter + window color box,Striped gray tube + white roller shutter + window color box,Striped dark blue tube + white roller shutter + window color box,Striped dark green tube + white roller shutter + window color box,Striped yellow tube + white roller shutter + window color box,Striped orange tube + white roller shutter + window color box
Item No.:
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Whether to import:
Suitable for gift-giving occasions:
Wedding,Birthday,Festival,Housewarming,All places,Trade Fair,Advertising Promotion,Employee Benefits,Anniversary Celebration,Business Gift,Opening Ceremony,Award Commemoration,Public relations planning,Award presentation
Time to market:
Price Segment:
Within 5 yuan
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Type of patent:
Design patent
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Whether there is a patent:
There are
Whether the source of cross-border export is exclusive:
Main downstream platform:
ebay,Amazon,wish,AliExpress,Independent Station,LAZADA,Other
Main sales area:
Africa,Europe,South America,Southeast Asia,North America,Northeast Asia,Middle East
Licensable private label:

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