yiliufa catering supply chain
Deli 7536 Scrap-free Rubber 2b Cute Cartoon 4b Examination Stationery and Learning Supplies Scrap-free Rubber suit Wholesale
Current Exchange Rate:¥1 = $ 0.1405
Minimum Order Quantity
$ 0.04 - $ 2.87
¥0.28 - ¥20.4
≥2 Block
Sales in the Last 90 Days: 3.8k
As shown in the picture [large quantity will give you preferential treatment]
0One box [quantity as shown/price is more favorable]
[wipe the words into lines without leaving any traces] medium size 2b/single block
$ 0.05
44160 In Stock
[wipe the words into lines without leaving any traces] large size 2b/single block
$ 0.08
46520 In Stock
[wipe the words into lines without leaving any traces] small size 2b/single block
$ 0.04
30503 In Stock
[super clean and soft, non-damaging paper] medium size 4b/single block
$ 0.05
47985 In Stock
[super clean and soft, non-damaging paper] large size 4b/single block
$ 0.08
48472 In Stock
[super clean and soft, non-damaging paper] small size 4b/single block
$ 0.04
48747 In Stock
[wipe clean and not easy to damage the paper] 4b medium size/single piece
$ 0.05
48453 In Stock
[wipe clean and not easy to damage the paper] 4b large size/single piece
$ 0.09
49738 In Stock
[wipe clean and not easy to damage the paper] 4b large size./single block
$ 0.09
49692 In Stock
[wipe clean and not easy to damage the paper] 4b small size/single piece
$ 0.04
49087 In Stock
[black is stain-resistant and refuses to be distracted] 4b medium/single block
$ 0.05
49751 In Stock
[black is stain-resistant and refuses to be distracted] 4b large/single block
$ 0.09
49820 In Stock
[black is stain-resistant and refuses to distract] 4b small size/single block
$ 0.04
49807 In Stock
[security, phthalation-free, chip-concentrating strips] medium size 2b/single block
$ 0.10
49575 In Stock
[security, phthalation-free, chip-concentrating strips] large size 2b/single block
$ 0.13
49784 In Stock
[three yuan in a row] 2b medium size/single block
$ 0.09
49208 In Stock
[total three yuan] 2b large size/single block
$ 0.12
49271 In Stock
[three yuan in a row] 2b small size/single block
$ 0.08
49740 In Stock
Product Quantity: 0Block
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Repeat Purchase Rate 0%
Total Sales 0
Repeat Purchase Rate 0%
Total Sales 0
Repeat Purchase Rate 0%
Total Sales 0
Repeat Purchase Rate 0%
Product Details
Pvc soft glue
[wipe the words into lines without leaving any traces] medium size 2b/single block,[wipe the words into lines without leaving any traces] large size 2b/single block,[wipe the words into lines without leaving any traces] small size 2b/single block,[super clean and soft, non-damaging paper] medium size 4b/single block,[super clean and soft, non-damaging paper] large size 4b/single block,[super clean and soft, non-damaging paper] small size 4b/single block,[wipe clean and not easy to damage the paper] 4b medium size/single piece,[wipe clean and not easy to damage the paper] 4b large size/single piece,[wipe clean and not easy to damage the paper] 4b large size./single block,[wipe clean and not easy to damage the paper] 4b small size/single piece,[black is stain-resistant and refuses to be distracted] 4b medium/single block,[black is stain-resistant and refuses to be distracted] 4b large/single block,[black is stain-resistant and refuses to distract] 4b small size/single block,[real chip collection rainbow eraser] 1 box/5 pieces,[security, phthalation-free, chip-concentrating strips] medium size 2b/single block,[security, phthalation-free, chip-concentrating strips] large size 2b/single block,[three yuan in a row] 2b medium size/single block,[total three yuan] 2b large size/single block,[three yuan in a row] 2b small size/single block,[zhenclean⭐New upgrade] medium size 6 pieces/1 box,[zhenclean⭐New upgrade] large size 6 pieces/1 box,[zhenclean⭐New upgrade] small size 3 pieces/1 box
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As shown in the picture [large quantity will give you preferential treatment],One box [quantity as shown/price is more favorable]
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Children's day
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Yes, personal gifts
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